字词 | 物质基础 |
释义 | 物质基础【英】the material basis; the material foundation译文来源[1] He Yiting. The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China--On General Secretary Xi Jinping’ s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream” [M]. London: New Classic Press, 2015:40. 定义物质基础亦称物质技术基础。指一个社会的社会生产力的状况,它是这个社会存在和发展的物质条件,也是构成一定生产方式的物质条件。它包括三方而内容:劳动资料的状况;加工后的劳动对象状况;劳动主体的文化技术状况。其中,主要是劳动资料的状况——生产工具发展进步的状况。生产力的发展水平是衡量一定社会的物质基础的重要标志。历史上任何一种社会制度,都是建立在一定的物质基础之上,并形成与之相适应的社会形态。不同的社会形态,其赖以存在和发展的物质基础也各不相同。手工工具是封建社会制度的物质基础;大机器工业是资本主义社会制度的物质基础;以现代先进技术为基础并在此基础上得到充分发展的社会主义社会的物质基础,要求拥有高度发达的生产力和比资本主义更高的劳动生产率。它是社会主义经济制度得以巩固和发展的条件,是不断满足人民日益增长的物质文化生活需要的条件,是社会主义最终战胜资本主义,在全世界实现共产主义的物质条件。无论是在社会主义革命还是社会主义建设时期,革命导师和领袖们都非常重视物质基础的建设。邓小平曾指出:“要实现共产主义,一定要完成社会主义阶段的任务。社会主义的任务很多,但根本一条就是发展生产力,在发展生产力的基础上体现出优于资本主义,为实现共产主义创造物质基础”(邓小平,1993:137)。俄国十月革命以后,列宁就强调指出:“社会主义的物质基础只能是同时也能改造农业的大机器工业。但是不能停留在这个一般的原理上。必须把它具体化。适应最新技术水平并能改造农业的大工业就是全国电气化”(列宁,1995:542)。列宁提出这一论断,是在当时历史条件下,从物质技术基础上巩固和发展新生的苏维埃社会主义国家的纲领。在中国革命战争中,中国共产党为了搞好根据地建设,粉碎中国国民党的经济封锁和商人的投机倒把,大力提倡发展经济。毛泽东指出:“如果不进行经济建设,革命战争的物质条件就没不能有保障,人民在长期的战争中就会感觉疲惫”(毛泽东,1991:119-120)。在中国取得胜利以后,由于物质基础十分薄弱,迅速发展生产,建立强大的物质技术基础,成为关系到社会主义制度和国家前途与命运的一个根本问题。正如毛泽东所指出的,只有社会生产力有比较充分的发展,我们社会主义政治、经济制度才算比较巩固,社会主义社会才算从根本上建立起来。因此,物质基础是社会主义成败的一个关键性问题(马国泉等,1992)。邓小平指出:“人民的积极性调动起来了,又有一定的物质基础,有丰富的资源,加上利用世界的先进技术,我们实现四个现代化是有可能的”(邓小平,1994:111)。中国要实现“四化”,就是为了从根本上改变中国的落后状态,为社会主义制度建立起强大的物质基础。 定义来源[1] 邓小平.邓小平文选(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1993. 例句1. 现在,我国面临的最根本问题,一是发展不足,历史欠账太多;二是发展不够好,科学发展亟待加强。面对新的形势,只有推动经济社会持续健康发展,才能筑牢国家繁荣富强、人民幸福安康、 社会和谐稳定的物质基础。习近平总书记强调:“发展仍是解决我国所有问题的关键。”这是科学总结中国特色社会主义长期实践得出的结论,是千真万确的。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2013:32 1. First, the development is not adequate. We did not make enough development in the history. Second, the development is not satisfying. We should urgently promote the scientific development. In face of the new situation, only when we promote the sustainable and sound development of the society and the economy, could we consolidate the material basis of the prosperity of our country, the happiness of our people, as well as the harmony and stability of our society. General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized: “Development remains to be the key to address all problems in China.” This conclusion stems from the long-term practice of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. It is absolutely true. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China--On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 20-21. 2. 战争的胜负,主要地决定于作战双方的军事、政治、经济、自然诸条件,这是没有问题的。然而不仅仅如此,还决定于作战双方主观指导的能力。军事家不能超过物质条件许可的范围外企图战争的胜利,然而军事家可以而且必须在物质条件许可的范围内争取战争的胜利。军事家活动的舞台建筑在客观物质条件的上面,然而军事家凭着这个舞台,却可以导演出许多有声有色威武雄壮的活剧来。因此我们红军的指导者,在既定的客观物质基础即军事、政治、经济、自然诸条件之上,就必须发挥我们的威力,提挈全军,去打倒那些民族的和阶级的敌人,改变这个不好的世界。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:182 2. Unquestionably, victory or defeat in war is determined mainly by the military, political, economic and natural conditions on both sides. But not by these alone. It is also determined by each side’s subjective ability in directing the war. In his endeavor to win a war, a military man cannot overstep the limitations imposed by the material conditions; within these limitations, however, he can and must strive for victory. The stage of action for a military man is built upon objective material conditions, but on that stage he can direct the performance of many a drama, full of sound and colour, power and grandeur. Therefore, given the objective material foundations, i.e., the military, political, economic and natural conditions, our Red Army commanders must display their prowess and marshal all their forces to crush the national and class enemies and to transform this evil world. Here is where our subjective ability in directing war can and must be exercised. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 190-191. 3. 我们多年奋斗就是为了共产主义,我们的信念理想就是要搞共产主义。在我们最困难的时期,共产主义的理想是我们的精神支柱,多少人牺牲就是为了实现这个理想。共产主义是没有人剥削人的制度,产品极大丰富,各尽所能,按需分配。按需分配,没有极大丰富的物质条件是不可能的。要实现共产主义,一定要完成社会主义阶段的任务。社会主义的任务很多,但根本一条就是发展生产力,在发展生产力的基础上体现出优于资本主义,为实现共产主义创造物质基础。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:137 3. It is for the realization of communism that we have struggled for so many years. We believe in communism, and our ideal is to bring it into being. In our darkest days we were sustained by the ideal of communism. It was for the realization of this ideal that countless people laid down their lives. A Communist society is one in which there is no exploitation of man by man, there is great material abundance and the principle of from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is applied. It is impossible to apply that principle without overwhelming material wealth. In order to realize communism, we have to accomplish the tasks set in the socialist stage. They are legion, but the fundamental one is to develop the productive forces so as to demonstrate the superiority of socialism over capitalism and provide the material basis for communism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 141. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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