字词 | 物质文明 |
释义 | 物质文明【英】material civilization; material progress译文来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:361. 定义“精神文明”的对称。指人们改造自然界的物质成果。它表现为人们物质生产的进步和物质生活的改善。文明是人类改造世界的成果。文明又分为物质文明和精神文明两个方面,统一于人类社会发展的各个历史阶段。一定的物质文明同一定的生产力发展水平相联系,是生产力发展状况的现实表现。物质文明包含的因素主要有:生产力状况、生产条件(包括生产工具和技术设备等)的状况、生产的规模、社会物质财富积累程度、人们日常生活条件的状况等等。这些因素越是充分发展,物质文明的程度也就越高(金炳华,2003:719)。物质文明的性质由社会生产方式所决定。但是,物质文明本身并没有因社会制度的不同而有所区别。社会主义物质文明仅仅是从物质文明的成果在社会主义制度下为人民所享有、为人民服务、为社会主义服务这个意义上说的。邓小平提出:“一个真正的马克思主义政党在执政以后,一定要致力于发展生产力,并在这个基础上逐步提高人民的生活水平。这就是建设物质文明”(邓小平,1993:28)。列宁也指出:“要成为有文化的人,就要有相当发达的物质资料的生产,要有相当的物质基础”(列宁,1995:774)。党的十二大报告论述了物质文明、精神文明的科学含义、作用和它们的相互关系。社会主义物质文明是在以生产资料公有制为主体的生产关系下进行建设的,它可以继承历史上人类创造的一切物质文明成果,可以吸收当今世界所有国家创造的物质文明成果,因而它能以较快的速度和较高的劳动生产率来建设自己的物质文明。社会主义物质文明的发展,物质财富的增长,归根到底,都将用来改善人民的物质文化生活,满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要。这是社会主义物质文明的基本要求。物质文明建设是精神文明建设的基础,为精神文明建设提供物质条件和实践经验。正确的精神文明建设给物质文明建设以有力的推动和促进作用。因此,我们党在确定以经济建设为中心的同时,提出了物质文明建设和精神文明建设一起抓的指导思想。邓小平指出:“我们现在搞两个文明建设,一是物质文明,一是精神文明”(邓小平,1993:156)。经济建设始终是我们工作的中心,但是,社会主义精神文明建设又能有力地推动物质文明的建设,为物质文明的发展提供精神动力和智力支持,并给物质文明发展的正确方向以有力的保证。习近平指出:“只有物质文明建设和精神文明建设都搞好,国家物质力量和精神力量都增强,全国各族人民物质生活和精神生活都改善,中国特色社会主义事业才能顺利向前推进”(习近平,2014:153)。两个文明的建设互为条件,互相促进,又互为目的,是社会主义建设中不可分割的统一体。社会的改造,社会制度的进步,最终都将表现为物质文明和精神文明的发展。 定义来源[1] 邓小平.邓小平文选(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1993. 例句1. (五)坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓,实行依法治国和以德治国相结合。社会主义精神文明是中国特色社会主义的重要特征。必须立足中国现实,继承民族文化优秀传统,吸取外国文化有益成果,建设社会主义精神文明,不断提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,为现代化建设提供强大的精神动力和智力支持。——《江泽民在党的十六大上所作的报告》 1. 5. Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue. Socialist spiritual civilization is an important attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Basing ourselves on China’s realities, we must carry forward the fine tradition of our national culture and absorb the achievements of foreign cultures in building socialist spiritual civilization. We should unceasingly upgrade the ideological and ethical standards as well as the scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people so as to provide a strong motivation and intellectual support for the modernization drive. -Quoted from Jiang Zemin's report at 16th Party congress. 2. 在社会主义国家,一个真正的马克思主义政党在执政以后,一定要致力于发展生产力,并在这个基础上逐步提高人民的生活水平。这就是建设物质文明。过去很长一段时间,我们忽视了发展生产力,所以现在我们要特别注意建设物质文明。与此同时,还要建设社会主义的精神文明,最根本的是要使广大人民有共产主义的理想,有道德,有文化,守纪律。国际主义、爱国主义都属于精神文明的范畴。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:28 2. In a socialist country, a genuinely Marxist ruling party must devote itself to developing the productive forces and, on that basis, gradually raise the people’s living standards. This means building a society with high material standards. For a long time we neglected to develop the productive forces, so now we are paying special attention to attaining high material standards. At the same time, we are building a socialist society with high cultural and ethical standards, which essentially means that our people should have communist ideals, moral integrity, a good education and a strong sense of discipline. Internationalism and patriotism also belong to this realm. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 38. 3. 第三,物质文明和精神文明要一起抓。关于改革的决定中说“竞争中可能出现某些消极现象和违法行为”,这句话在文件里提一下很必要。什么是消极现象,例如,大吃大喝,送很贵重的礼品,以及其他种种为谋取小公和个人利益而损害国家利益的不正当手段,这些就是消极现象。有的地方总结“经验”,叫做“二菜一汤,生意跑光;四菜一汤,生意平常;六菜一汤,生意兴旺;八菜一汤,独霸一方”。据说,现在八菜一汤也不大灵光了。还有的厂子,选两个二十多岁的漂亮姑娘当外勤人员,跑材料,推销产品,男外勤人员办不到的事,她们能办到。对这些现象,不必大惊小怪。因为,一方面许多企业的产品要自销出去,另一方面绝大多数的社队企业的原材料没有列入国家计划,没有指标,需要自己去找。这两方面合在一起,必然会出现这些现象,这是不奇怪的。但也要看到,如果我们不注意这个问题,不进行必要的管理和教育,这些现象就有可能泛滥成灾,败坏我们的党风和社会风气。因此,我们在抓物质文明建设的同时,必须抓精神文明建设,两个文明一起抓。只要我们的头脑是清醒的,看到这些现象,并加强精神文明的建设,这些消极方面是可以受到一定限制的。我们是社会主义国家我们既要有高度的物质文明,也要有高度的社会主义精神文明,这是我们永远要坚持的奋斗方向。——《陈云文选(第三卷)》,1995:338-339 3. Third, we should work hard to achieve material as well as cultural and ideological progress. The Decision states that “certain undesirable practices and illegal activities may emerge because of competition.” It is necessary to mention this point in the document. What are these undesirable things? Examples would be the practices of entertaining guests with lavish dinners, providing them with generous gifts and also the furthering of personal interests or the interests of one’s own group through illegal infringement upon state interests and so forth. In certain locations, people have had the following type of experience: if you entertain guests with only two dishes and a soup, your business will be ruined; if there are four dishes and a soup, your business will be so so; with six dishes and a soup, your business will thrive; and if you provide eight dishes and a soup, you will be able to monopolize the market. It is said that even eight dishes and a soup might not be very effective. Some factories employ two pretty girls around 20 years of age to purchase materials or serve as saleswomen. These girls are able to achieve what male workers cannot. These practices are bound to emerge and are nothing to be surprised about. They emerge because many enterprises have to sell their products on their own and most township enterprises have to purchase raw materials by themselves because the raw materials they need are not included in the state’s plans. However, if we ignore these kinds of practices and fail to conduct the necessary education and management, they are likely to run rampant and corrupt the Party’s style and social conduct. So, in addition to fostering material progress, we must promote cultural and ideological values. So long as we keep sober-minded and alert to negative practices, foster cultural and ideological values, these can be controlled. Ours is a socialist country. We should strive to build socialist civilization materially, culturally and ideologically. This is the orientation which we should always maintain. -Quoted from Selected Works of Chen Yun (Vol. 3), 1999: 331-332. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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