字词 | 物质生产 |
释义 | 物质生产【英】material production; production of material means of subsistence译文来源[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 284. 定义人们改造自然创造物质资料的活动。物质生产的简单要素是:人有目的的活动,即劳动;在生产过程中被改造的各种材料,包括天然材料和经过劳动加工过的材料,即劳动对象;作用于劳动对象的劳动资料,其中主要组成部分是生产工具。这三种要素的动态结合形成生产活动,它必然展开为两方面的关系:一方面是人与自然之间的关系,形成一定的生产力;另一方面是人与人之间的关系,形成一定的生产关系。二者的统一构成特定的生产方式。马克思恩格斯在提到人类历史及其生存活动时指出:“我们遇到的是一些没有任何前提的德国人,所以我们首先应当确定一切人类生存的第一个前提也就是一切历史的第一个前提,这个前提就是:人们为了能够‘创造历史’,必须能够生活。但是为了生活,首先就需要衣、食、住以及其他东西。因此第一个创造历史活动就是生产满足这些需要的资料,即生产物质生活本身”(马克思等,1995:78-79)。物质生产是人类最基本的实践活动,是人类社会赖以存在和发展的基础。人类在物质生产中一方面改造自然,获得了自身需要的物质生活资料;另一方面也改造了自己,使自己的主观世界不断发展。人类的其他活动都建立在物质生产活动之上。恩格斯指出:“根据唯物史观,历史过程中的决定性因素归根到底是现实生活的生产和再生产。无论马克思或我都从来没有肯定过比这更多的东西”(马克思等,1995:19)。人类历史是随着生产方式的变化而变化的。生产方式是人类社会发展的决定因素,是社会形态变更的根本动力。物质生产是社会生活的物质方面,是社会存在的主要内容,它与社会生活其他方面不同的特点是其客观实在性。作为过程,物质生产是感性的物质实践活动;作为关系,物质生产展开的是人同自然之间的物质变换、能量变换和信息变换的物质关系,以及人与人之间交换商品的经济关系。马克思指出:“在人们的生产力发展的一定状况下,就会有一定的交换和消费形式。在生产、交换、消费发展的一定阶段上,就会有相应的社会制度、相应的家庭、等级或阶级组织,一句话,就会有相应的市民社会”(马克思等,1995:532)。物质生产作为物质活动和物质关系有其自身变化的客观规律性(李淮春,1996:727)。正是物质生产的客观实在性、客观规律性和它在社会发展中的决定性,使社会发展成为一种“自然历史过程”。 定义来源[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第一卷)[C].人民出版社,1995. 例句1. 其次,早期政治经济学的理论运作,自觉或不自觉地以社会物质生产作为整个社会生活的基础,并且,他们或多或少地开始把研究的重心放在从社会活动中抽象出来的社会关系和运动规律上这正是后来马克思恩格斯创立历史唯物主义的真正理论基础。这里包含了两个重要理论质点:一是物质生产,二是从社会生活中抽象出来的社会关系。前者是从重商主义到重农主义的过渡(流通领域到生产领域的转场)中实现的理论转变,也是斯密和李嘉图奠定其学科理论基础的前提。因为对于全部古典经济学而言,物质生产的基础性是与劳动价值论联系在一起的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:34 1. The second evidence that demonstrates the existence of this form of materialism, one that affirms material production and objective economic relationships in social life, lies with the beliefs of early political economists. Whether consciously or unconsciously, early political economists believed that social material production was the basis of all social life. In addition, they based their studies on the laws, abstracted from social activity, that governed social relations. This basis on laws of social relations was the real theoretical foundation upon which Marx and Engels established historical materialism. In terms of these laws, there are two important theoretical points that we need to discuss: material production and social relations abstracted from social life. The former is the theoretical shift that occurred during the transition from mercantilism to physiocracy (from circulation to production), which is also the premise of Smith and Ricardo’s theoretical foundation. It is their premise because for all classical economists, the fundamentality of material production is linked to labor theory of value. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 10. 2. 首先,在过去的经济学研究中,有一个基本的共识,即配第较早提出这样的观点:财富的源泉不是在流通领域而是在物质生产领域。用马克思后来的科学的经济学话语来表述,即“真正的现代经济科学,只是当理论研究从流通过程转向生产过程的时候才开始的”。这就从重商主义的经济决定论向前又迈出了决定性的一步。我发现,经济决定论中的从流通到生产的过渡不仅具有经济学的意义,而且暗含着重大的哲学意义。这是从社会现象(交换关系)到本质(生产关系)的一种重大进展,它第一次确立了物质生产在社会生活中的决定性基始作用。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:44-45 2. In past economic research, it was commonly understood that the first step away from mercantilism came in the form of a viewpoint first established by Petty. Namely, that wealth does not exist in circulation, but rather in production. To use Marx’s later scientific economic words in Capital to express this concept: “The real science of modern economy only begins when the theoretical analysis passes from the process of circulation to the process of production. This concept represents an important step away from mercantilism’s economic determinism. I have realized that the transition from circulation to production in economic determinism not only carries a great deal of economic significance, but also has important philosophical connotations. This transition to production was a monumental shift from social phenomena (relations of exchange) to social essence; it established for the first time the decisive, fundamental role of material production in social life. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 18-19. 3. 阿多诺说,当代的社会物质生产过程的主观预想是未被解决的部分,或者是没有与主体相调和的部分。直接点破说,人们对现代社会物质生产过程一一实际上是商品(市场)经济还是知之甚少的。西方主流经济学早已沦落为操作层面的工匠主义,即使是凯恩斯以后的干预主义,也不是对市场经济的本质真的有所了解的结 果。所以,市场经济的理性(本质和规律)对人来说还是无理性和无意识的,这仍然是“看不见的手”。纵然人们会牵住它迷雾里伸来的一两只臂腕,可现代全球化市场体制真是云烟中的千手观音。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:16-17 3. Adorno states that, the subjective precondition of the material production process in society is the unresolved part, the part un-reconciled with the subjects. In other words, people know little about the material production process in society, namely, the commodity (market) economy. The dominating economics in western society has degenerated into an operational level of handicraftsman. Even Keynes’ government interventionism is not an outcome that comes from authentic understanding of the essence of market economy. Therefore, the rationality of market economy still remains irrational and unconscious to people: it is an “invisible hand.” People may catch hold of one or two of its pulses, but it remains mysterious in the wholesale. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 35. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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