

字词 特殊规律


the specific law; the particular law; the special law


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 405.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 381.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1996: 19.


特殊规律反映与一般相区别的特殊事物的根本特征和发展运动的规律。与“一般规律”相对。自然界、人类社会及人们的思维活动都有自己的特殊规律。各门自然科学和各门社会科学又有各自研究的特殊规律。特殊规律和一般规律的区别是相对的。特殊规律和一般规律又是相互联系的。正确认识客观世界,就要在一般规律的指导下研究和把握事物的特殊规律(金炳华,2003:245)。它和特殊规律互相联系、互相包含。任何领域中的规律,不但包含了特殊性,也包含了一般性。一般规律通过特殊规律表现出来,并存在于特殊规律之中。通过分析认识具体的特殊规律,才能掌握一般规律。它对特殊规律起指导作用。它和特殊规律的区分是相对的。在这个范围内是属于特殊规律,在另一个范围内可以变成一般规律。竭长光指出,我们可以将这种具有普适性和永恒性的规律称为“一般规律”,把这种对规律的理解方式称为“一般规律”观。人们常常把这种一般规律观等同于马克思的规律观。实际上,马克思的规律观与一般规律观并不等同。马克思虽然在一定意义上肯定一般规律,但马克思更强调“特殊规律”( 尤其是在社会科学研究中) 。所谓特殊规律不是指特殊领域的规律,而是强调规律的条件性和历史性。所谓条件性指规律的适用性并非无条件的,而是有着特定的适用对象和适用范围。所谓历史性指规律的存在方式并非超历史的,而是强调某种规律只存在于某段特定的历史时期,当这段历史时期退出历史舞台的时候,这种规律也随之消失(竭长光,2012:21)。如果说,对于作为“既成事物”的自然存在物而言,一般性就是其唯一的和根本的特性,因而把握了一般性也就把握了自然存在物本身的话,那么,对于具有双重属性的社会存在物来说则恰好相反,即特殊性优先于一般性,因而了解其一般性尽管有意义,但还是远远不够的,而只有把握其特殊性才能真正具体而深刻地把握这种社会存在物本身。同样毫无疑问的是,对于理解任何一个民族或时代的具体的、现实的发展而言,仅仅用这种一般原理去解释和指导是不够的,还必须将这种一般原理与这一民族或时代的具体特点、发展阶段和面临的特殊困难等特殊性相结合,探讨其特殊的发展规律,构建其的独特发展原理。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 竭长光.论马克思的“特殊规律”观[J].兰州学刊,2012(08).


1. 我们可以看到,在这里,马克思已经自觉地从生产关系入手来解决政治经济学研究的方法论前提了。具体地说,就是将社会生产方式的发展确定为与一定阶段相适应的,只能是历史的暂时的生产关系的产生、运动和它的内部联系,所以,政治经济学只能是研究一定历史条件下人们借以生产、消费和交换的经济形式,以及这一经济关系发展的特殊规律性。这也就是要研究“生产怎样在上述关系下进行”,以及“这些关系本身是怎样产生的”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:487

1. We can see that here Marx has already consciously begun with relations of production in solving the premise of political economic research. More specifically, he verifies the development of social modes of production as compatible with certain historical time periods; it can only be the emergence, movement, and internal linkages of historical, transitory relations of production. Therefore, political economy only studies the economic forms determined by human production, consumption, and exchange, as well as the particular laws that govern the development of these economic relations, under certain historical conditions. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 381-382.

2. 我们已经说过,广义历史唯物主义是关于社会历史发展一般规律的理论,这主要体现为物质生活的生产与再生产是社会历史生存和发展的基础,一定的生产方式决定人类社会生活的本质;而狭义历史唯物主义主要是马克思在狭义的政治经济学即对资本主义经济生活的研究过程中,针对经济的社会形态生成与发展的特殊规律的理论,它主要体现为经济关系成为社会生活主导性的方面,人们为自己创造出来的物质力量所奴役。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:515

2. We have already discussed the fact that the general theory of historical materialism was a theory on the general laws of social historical development. This was primarily manifested as the basis of social historical subsistence being production and reproduction in material life, and as certain modes of production deciding the essence of human social life. The special theory of historical materialism, on the other hand, was a theory on the specific laws of economic social subsistence and development in Marx’s research on narrowly defined political economy, i.e. capitalist economic life. This was primarily manifested as the transformation of economic relations into the dominant aspect of social life, the enslavement of man to the material forces that he creates for himself. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 405.

3. 例如,马克思否认人口规律在任何时候在任何地方都是一样的。相反地,他断言每个发展阶段有它自己的人口规律……生产力的发展水平不同,生产关系和支配生产关系的规律也就不同。马克思给自己提出的目的是,从这个观点出发去研究和说明资本主义经济制度,这样,他只不过是极其科学地表述了任何对经济生活进行准确的研究必须具有的目的……这种研究的科学价值在于阐明了支配着一定社会机体的产生、生存、发展和死亡以及为另一更高的机体所代替的特殊规律。马克思的这本书确实具有这种价值。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1958:23

3. Marx, e.g., denies that the law of population is the same at all times and in all places. He asserts, on the contrary, that every stage of development has its own law of population.... With the varying degree of development of productive power, social conditions and the laws governing them vary too. Whilst Marx sets himself the task of following and explaining from this point of view the economic system established by the sway of capital, he is only formulating, in a strictly scientific manner, the aim that every accurate investigation into economic life must have. [...] The scientific value of such an inquiry lies in the disclosing of the special laws that regulate the origin, existence, development, death of a given social organism and its replacement by another and higher one. And it is this value that, in point of fact, Marx's book has. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 18-19.


例句 1:
Some special elements such as Network Externality, active feedback effect plus technology development and the product difference strategy of network enterprises make an impact on the definition about the ‘relevant market’.

例句 2:
The dissertation explores the special disciplining of ideological and political education under the environment of public opinions on internet, including the extension of binary space, overlapping rate, decentralization, interactions and sustained rate in education processes.

例句 3:
本文除了检验东道国经济因素对我国OFDI 是否表现出特殊规律,还解释了通货膨胀率、国际资本流动风险、金融发展在两个模型中的影响不同的原因,并详细介绍了其他四个控制变量是否也存在一般规律和特殊规律。其中市场规模和制度质量的影响对世界和中国是相同的;开放性水平的影响是完全相反的;而经验累积的影响效应都是负的,但对世界的影响显著,对中国的影响不显著。并通过比较一般规律和特殊规律提出相应的政策建议。——《网络舆论环境下的高校思想政治教育研究》,西南财经大学博士学位论文,2011
Except studying whether the economic factors put special effect on China’s OFDI to neighboring countries and explain the reason, we also examine the effects of controlling variables. The conclusion is: the market size and institutional quality has the same effect on China’s OFDI and





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