

字词 经验








[1] 方克立.中国哲学大辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1994.
[2] 刘文祥.杜威的经验概念研究[D].吉林大学,2013.
[3] 刘建明.宣传舆论学大辞典[Z].经济日报出版社,1993.


1. 长期以来,在我们的传统理论研究中,一条存在于早期政治经济学(The political economy)中的重要哲学线索在无意之间被遮蔽了,这就是一种在社会历史研究中的十分特殊的唯物主义逻辑:社会唯物主义。我们说早期政治经济学中存在着一种社会唯物主义,这将其与社会学语义中的社会实在论界划开来。前者的逻辑是哲学抽象,后者的语境则为经验直指。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:24-25

1. In our traditional theoretical research, an important philosophical clue that existed in early political economy has unwittingly been hidden. This clue is a very distinctive brand of materialist logic that existed in social-historical research, namely social materialism. It is necessary for us to differentiate the social materialism that existed in early political economy from social realism, which is understood in the context of sociology. The logic of the former is philosophically abstract; the context of the latter is experiential and concrete. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 1.

2. 配第也由此被后人誉为“统计学之父”。他的意思是,要创立一种面对社会(政治)生活的科学,这就是后来的政治经济学。我还注意到,那位被马克思从经济学角度批判的英国经济学家麦克库洛赫也有同样的自觉指认。在《政治经济学原理》一书中,他将政治经济学称为科学,因为它是“建立在事实与实验之上的”,这是由于,生产和财富积聚以及文化的进步等所依据的原理,都不是由法律所制定的。这些“原理”以及它们的作用,“一部分由人的本质,一部分由物质世界构成的,它们的作用和机械原理一样可借助观察与分析来探讨。他还认为,经济学的结论只能是从观察许多大小国家用来支配人们生活条件的各种原则而得出的另一位英国经济学家理查德·琼斯同样在自己的书中明确提出了经济学的研究方法是“归纳法科学”,“政治经济学必须使所谓普遍适用的准则建立在经验的基础上”,这个基础“只有通过反复观察各国历史上发生过的事情才可能分析、研究和彻底了解”。“决定那些处于不同环境下的庞大的人类团体的地位和进步、以及支配他们的行为的原则,只能从经验中得出。”而且,这种观察必须是全面的,不能将观察的资料“局限于自己身边的一小部分世界”。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:26-27

2. This is what led later generations to respectfully refer to Petty as “The Father of Statistics.” Petty’s desire was to establish a science that dealt with social (political) life. His science later became known as political economy. I have noticed that the English economist John McCulloch, who was later the subject of Marx’s economic criticisms, also had a similar intuitive identification of Petty’s methodological premise. In his book Principles of Political Economy, he refers to political economy as science, because “it is established on fact and experience.” According to McCulloch, the principles governing such phenomena as the accumulation of wealth and the progress of society are not established by law, rather, these “principles” and their effects are “a part of the original constitution of man, and of the physical world; their operation may, like that of the mechanical principles, be traced by the aid of observation and analysis.” McCulloch argues that economic conclusions can only be drawn from “observing the principles which govern the conduct of mankind, as presented on the large scale of nations and empires.” Another English economist, Richard Jones clearly elucidates the fact that economics is an “inductive science.” In An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and the Sources of Taxation, Jones writes, “Political economy must be founded on all maxims which pretend to be universal on a comprehensive and laborious appeal to experience…[these] can only be separated, examined, and thoroughly understood by repeated observation of events as they occur or have occurred in the history of nations.” He asserts that, “The principles which determine the position and progress, and govern the conduct, of large bodies of the human race, placed under different circumstances, can be learnt only by an appeal to experience.” Importantly, Jones stresses the fact that this observation must be complete and thorough, that an economist cannot be restricted to “the narrow sphere of his own personal observation.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 3-4.

3. 根据泽勒尼的概括,李嘉图的方法有三个层面:一是把经验的表面现象与本质区别开来了,二是将本质视为不变的东西,三是将这种方法依托了更加概括的(可量化的)形式。在这里,李嘉图抓住了以现代大工业生产为基础的社会生活最重要的本质——物化和客观化了的生产关系,并以这种新型的生产关系及其发展作为观察社会历史的全部出发点。这就使他的哲学历史观大大地向前推进了一步,也提升到一个新的台阶。这才是马克思1845——1858年哲学世界观变革的真正方法论基础。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:57

3. According to Zeleny, Ricardo's methodology contains three aspects: the first is the differentiation between surface phenomena and essence in experience, the second is a view of essence as unchanging, and the third is a reliance on more summarized (quantifiable) forms. Here Ricardo grasped the vital essence of a social life based in modern large-scale industrial production: materialized, objectified production relations. He also understood that these new production relations and their development are the whole starting point of the study of social history. This understanding allowed his perspective of philosophical history to rise to a new level of perspicacity, and also laid the true methodological foundation for the transformation of Marx’s philosophical worldview between 1845 and 1858. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 29.


例句 1:
Based on a sample of 527 observations of Chinese overseas acquisitions,we studied how related experience influence the success of Chinese overseas acquisitions and how this relationship is moderated by non-related experience,ownership type and government affiliation in developing economy context.

例句 2:
Those efforts made their ways of combat and training not the subjective thoughts which on the base of experience any more, and become measurable and examinable.

例句 3:
Though the early philosophers reflect on man’s own ethical life, their reflection on ethics goes to relativism due to their simple experimentalism, yet it lays the foundation for Socrates to pursue the internal principles of self.





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