字词 | 贸易 |
释义 | 贸易【英】exchange; trade; commerce译文来源[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 127, 129. 定义贸易,即“商业”,是个人或集团间的商品交换,是在平等互愿的前提下进行的货品或服务交易。也可以指商品生产者与生产者之间的商品交换活动和国与国之间的交易行为。贸易可直接采用易货方式或间接通过媒介如货币进行。贸易的利益在于使可供消费的商品的范围得到扩大,并使生产活动专门化。没有贸易,个人或集团将被迫用自己的资源去满足其所有需求。自愿的贸易使劳动得到分工,其结果使各个参与者都能得益(戴维·W·皮尔斯,1988:599)。在我国古代,贸易可泛指买卖,即以钱财物资相交换。如《史记·货殖列传》中称:“以物相贸易,腐败而食之货勿留,无敢居贵”;贸易也可指变易,更换。《论衡·知实》中称:“圣贤知(智)不逾,故用思相出入;遭事无神怪,故名号相贸易”(《辞海》,1999:4074)。现代一般对内称商业(如国内商业),对外称贸易(如对外贸易)。最原始的贸易形式是以物易物,即直接交换货品或服务。现代的贸易则普遍以一种媒介(金钱)作贸易平等代换。贸易出现的原因众多。由于劳动力的专门化,个体只会从事一个小范畴的工作,所以他们必须以贸易来获取生活的日用品。两个地区之间的贸易往往是因为一地在生产某产品上有相对优势,如有较佳的技术、较易获取原材料等。随着服务业的发展和WTO的成立,贸易的含义也有从货物贸易向服务贸易、投资自由化以及知识产权保护方面扩大的趋势。 定义来源[1] 戴维•W•皮尔斯.现代经济学词典[Z].上海译文出版社,1988. 例句1. 加上因战时封锁和俄国经济最发达地区被敌人占领而导致燃料和原料严重匮乏,更使得政府的干预甚至变得必不可少了。同时,国家垄断贸易,政府的官僚主义程度加剧。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:119 1. Crippling shortage of fuel and raw materials caused by the war blockade and enemy occupation of the economically most advanced areas of Russia made government intervention even more essential. The state monopolized exchange and government bureaucracy necessarily increased. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 127. 2. 持续了7年的新经济政策是从1921年3月开始的,当时用一定份额的实物税取代了余粮征收制,使农民能保留其一定数量的剩余产品。这又导致取消自由贸易的限制和恢复工农业之间的市场关系。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:120 2. The NEP, which was to last seven years, began in March 1921 when the requisitioning system was replaced by a tax in kind which enabled the peasants to keep a fixed share of their surplus. This in turn led to the abolition of restrictions on free trade and the restoration of market relations between agriculture and industry. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 128-129. 3. 德里达对福山的过于乐观十分不屑。他认为,在今天“无论是美国还是欧洲共同体都没有达到普遍国家的完善或自由民主制度的完善”。时至今日,已经很少有人会对美国与欧洲共同体之间以及欧洲共同体内部日趋激化的经济战,美国与日本的经济战,还有“世界上富裕的国家与其他国家之间贸易上的所有矛盾、贫困化现象和‘外债'的残酷”视而不见了。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:312 3. Derrida does not agree with Fukuyama’s optimism. He thinks that “neither the United States nor the European community has attained the perfection of the universal State or of liberal democracy, nor have they even come close. And how can one overlook, moreover, the economic war that is raging today both between these two blocs and within the European community,” the economic war with Japan, and all the contradictions at work within the trade between the wealthy countries and the rest of the world, the phenomena of pauperization and the ferocity of the “foreign debt”? -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 407-408. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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