

字词 贫困地区


poverty-stricken regions/areas; poor areas


[1]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 209.
[2]The Most Poverty Stricken Areas In The United States. via: http://www.therichest.com/rich-list/poorest-list/the-most-poverty-stricken-areas-in-the-united-states/ 
[3]Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm


在西方经济学中,指资本形成缺乏,资本形成率低,没有参与国家经济全面增长的地区,即“萧条区”。在中国,一般指贫困面积比较大的省(区、市)内的县(市、区)中集中连片的群众温饱问题尚未解决的最贫穷地区(奚洁人,2007:246)。中国一般将人均年收入低于规定标准、生产能力低下、生产方式落后、勉强自给自足、维持生计的地区视为贫困地区。贫困地区的类型主要有:第一,只贫不困地区,即自然条件差,土地贫瘠,农业生产能力差,可供利用的资源少,但交通条件较好的地区;第二,只困不贫地区,即自然资源丰富、生产环境和生态环境优越,但交通阻塞、信息闭塞的地区;第三,又贫又困地区,即自然资源、交通等条件都无优势的地区。我国贫困地区主要分布于边陲或临省边缘接壤的偏僻山乡、少数民族聚居地区、老革命根据地地区以及大江河上源与水土流失严重的地区(杨秋宝,1995:5)。贫困地区有以下社会经济特征:第一,多民族混居,社会经济发展多层次;第二,经济发展水平低,产业结构单一;第三,人口增长过快;第四,文化、教育、卫生状况落后。我国贫困地区经济落后的成因是自然资源短缺、资本短缺、人力资源短缺以及制度短缺。为帮助贫困地区发展生产,1994年国家启动“八七”扶贫攻坚计划。2001年出台《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001-2010年)》。2011年出台《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020年)》,实现到2020年全面建成小康社会奋斗目标。2013年习近平首次提出“精准扶贫”,要求扶贫要实事求是,因地制宜。 他指出,“消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕,是社会主义的本质要求”(习近平,2014:189)。消除贫困也是我们党的重要使命。




1. 继续扩大重点高校面向贫困地区农村招生规模,落实和完善农民工随迁子女在当地就学和升学考试政策。支持和规范民办教育发展。教育要促进学生德智体美全面发展,注重培养各类高素质创新型人才。从家庭到学校、从政府到社会,都要为孩子们的安全健康、成长成才担起责任,共同托起明天的希望。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

1. We will continue to help see the increased enrollment of students from poor rural areas into key colleges, and improve and implement policies enabling children who live with their migrant worker parents to go to secondary school or take college entrance exams in their city of residence. We will support the development of privately run educational institutions and work to ensure they meet all relevant standards. Education should promote the moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic development of students, and particular attention should be given to fostering all kinds of high-caliber creative talent. Families, schools, governments, and our society as a whole must together shoulder the responsibility of ensuring our children, our hope for tomorrow, are safe, healthy, and can grow up with the opportunity to reach their full potential. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

2. 1988年,习近平到福建宁德担任地委书记。宁德是当时中国18个连片贫困地区之一。为跑遍这里的乡村,他经常一连数日坐着吉普车在崎岖的山路上颠簸,常常颠得连腰都直不起来,有时腰疼得一时下不了车。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:430

2. In 1988 he became Party secretary of Ningde Prefecture in southeast China’s Fujian Province, one of the poorest parts of the country at that time. During his tenure at Ningde he often traveled for days on mountain roads to reach the farthest corners of the prefecture. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 481.

3. 全面建成小康社会,最艰巨最繁重的任务在农村、特别是在贫困地区。没有农村的小康,特别是没有贫困地区的小康,就没有全面建成小康社会。中共对扶贫开发工作高度重视。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:189

3. With regard to completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the hardest and most arduous tasks lie in the rural areas and the poverty-stricken regions in particular. We cannot say we have realized a moderately prosperous society if the rural areas, especially the backward parts of the countryside, are left behind. The central leadership has always attached great importance to development-oriented poverty alleviation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 209.


例句 1:
Poverty alleviation of the poor areas is the request to achieve common prosperity, is the way in which to push for building a well-off society, is the means of building a harmonious socialist society.

例句 2:
As the sociological research on the phenomenon of the economic poverty, low level of China's current economic development in the poor areas and material development is relatively backward, and it is difficult to achieve the life of people rich and the improvement of the spiritual and cultural level. Low population quality in the poor areas, want to change this phenomenon will have to start from the education poverty alleviation, and improve the basic quality of poverty population from the education, but also realize the economic development of the poor from the education. Education development is the basis of the current change in poor areas, so want to improve productivity in the poor areas, you must start from the change in education mode.

例句 3:





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