

字词 质的判断(又作实在的判断、直接的判断)


qualitative judgment; judgment of existance; judgment of inherence


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 504.
[2] Hegel’s Dialectics as a Semantic Theory: An Analytic Reading. via: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-0378.2007.00241.x/epdf


质的判断亦称“实在的判断”。德国黑格尔用语。黑格尔把判断划分成质的判断、反映的判断、必然的判断和概念的判断等四大类。质的判断是依据感性知觉的、关于“存在”的判断,亦称直接的判断。这种判断的谓词是一种直接的、抽象的“质”,所以亦称“实在的判断”。它的形式是“个别是普遍”,它断定某个别事物具有某种普遍性质,例如“这玫瑰花是红的”。黑格尔试图按认识的发展来对判断分类。质的判断是认识事物现象的初级形式的判断。(金炳华等,2001:1984),它的谓词往往是一种共性、是主词的一种直接的感性性质。如“这朵玫瑰花是红的”或“这 朵玫瑰花不是红的”便是质的判断,谓词“红的”是一种感性上的普遍性。质的判断可分为直接判断 (肯定判断和简单的否定判断) 和无限的判断,划分的依据是主谓词间是否相统一。肯定判断只涉及主词、谓词在某一点上的接触,而不是完全吻合,更谈不上主词为谓词所完全决定,正是从这一意义上讲,简单的否定的判断要比肯定判断更高级,因为它不仅揭示了主谓词的联系,而且还认识到了主谓词之间的差别。无限的判断是一种主词和谓词完全不相干的否定判断,如“狮子不是桌子”等。它不仅是主观思维的一个偶然形式,还暴露了直接判断的有限性和不全面性,同时给出了直接判断的最近的辩证发展结果。质的判断处于判断的最低层次,是人们把握事物抽象同一性的有效手段,还为形成更高层次的判断提供了直接的思维材料。(汪馥郁,朗好成,1990)


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 汪馥郁,朗好成. 实用逻辑学词典[Z].冶金工业出版社,1990.


1. 辩证逻辑和旧的纯粹的形式逻辑相反,不象后者满足于把各种思维运动形式,即各种不同的判断和推理的形式列举出来和毫无关联地排列起来。相反地,辩证逻辑由此及彼地推出这些形式,不把它们互相平列起来,而使它们互相隶属,从低级形式发展出高级形式。黑格尔忠实于他的整个逻辑学的划分,把判断分为下列几类:1.实在的判断,判断的最简单形式,这里是肯定地或否定地表明某一单个的事物的某种一般的性质(肯定判断:玫瑰花是红的;否定判断:玫瑰花不是蓝的;无限判断:玫瑰花不是骆驼)。2.反省的判断,这里所表明的是关于主语的某种关系规定,某种关联 (单称判断:这个人是会死的;特称判断:有些人或很多人是会死的;全称判断:一切人都是会死的,或人是会死的)。3.必然性的判断,这里所表明的是主语的实在的规定性(直言判断:玫瑰花是植物;假言判断:如果太阳升起,那就是白昼;选言判断:南美肺鱼不是鱼类就是两栖类)。4.概念的判断,这里所表明的是主语对自己的一般本性,或者如黑格尔所说的,对自己的概念符合到什么程度(实然判断:这所房子是坏的;或然判断:如果一所房子如此这般地建造起来,它就是好的;必然判断:如此这般地建造起来的房子是好的)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:566

1. Dialectical logic, in contrast to the old, merely formal logic, is not, like the latter, content with enumerating the forms of motion of thought, i.e., the various forms of judgment and conclusion, and placing them side by side without any connection. On the contrary, it derives these forms out of one another, it makes one subordinate to another instead of putting them on an equal level, it develops the higher forms out of the lower. Faithful to his division of the whole of logic, Hegel groups judgments as: 1. Judgment of inherence, the simplest form of judgment, in which a general property is affirmatively or negatively predicated of a single thing (positive judgment: the rose is red; negative judgment: the rose is not blue; infinite judgment: the rose is not a camel); 2. Judgment of subsumption, in which a relation determination is predicated of the subject (singular judgment: this man is mortal; particular judgment: some, many men are mortal; universal judgment: all men are mortal, or man is mortal); 3. Judgment of necessity, in which its substantial determination is predicated of the subject (categorical judgment: the rose is a plant; hypothetical judgment: when the sun rises it is day-time; disjunctive judgment: Lepidosiren is either a fish or an amphibian); 4. Judgment of the notion, in which is predicated of the subject how far it corresponds to its general nature or, as Hegel says, to the notion of it (assertoric judgment: this house is bad; problematic judgment: if a house is constituted in such and such a way, it is good; apodeictic judgment: the house that is constituted in such and such a way is good. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 504.


例句 1:
In judging the “quality” in specific provisions of criminal law, we should take note of the following six situations.

例句 2:
The forxmer is a qualitative judgement, concerning whether death penalty can deter crime or not, and the later is a quantum judgement, examining the deterrence of death penalty can deter how many people from crimes.

例句 3:
Early warning is to predict qualitative judgments of the results, a signal should be send when the adverse effects of agricultural development had coming.





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