

字词 购买力


purchasing power


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 131.






1. 对经济发展发挥主要作用的究竟应该是农业还是工业这个问题,布哈林和季诺维也夫的看法是,农业部门购买力的提高是工业生产率提高的必要条件。相反,托洛茨基则认为,不扩大工业品的流通,粮食和原材料的生产必将下降。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:122

1. Should agriculture or industry play the leading role in economic development? Bukharin and Zinoviev took the view that an increase in purchasing power in the agricultural sector was a necessary condition for an increase in industrial productivity. Trotsky, on the other hand, thought that without an increased flow of industrial goods the production of grain and raw materials would decline. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 131.

2. 邓小平的经济改革为一九八零年代成年的中国年轻一代,创出一个全新的经济机会。这些年轻人自革命以来第一次可以自己营商,阅读外国报纸,在欧美学习研究的机会。这些在经济自由气候中培育出来的学生,当然有经济上的不满,对一九八零年代后半期急速高扬的通货膨胀尤其关心;通货膨胀确实让都市居民的购买力日益下降。——《历史的终结》,1998:208-209

2. Deng Xiaoping’s economic reform created a whole new horizon of economic opportunities for a generation of young Chinese coming of age in the 1980s, who could now start businesses, read foreign newspapers, and study in the United States and other Western countries for the first time since the revolution. The students reared in this climate of economic freedom had economic complaints, of course, particularly concerning the mounting inflation in the late 1980s that was steadily eroding the purchasing power of most city dwellers. -Quoted from The End of History and the Last Man, 1992: 179.

3. 小生产者变成雇佣工人,以其丧失生产资料——土地、劳动工具、作坊等等为前提,就是说以其“贫困化”、“破产”为前提。有一种观点认为,小生产者的破产“使居民的购买力日益缩减”,使资本主义的“国内市场日益缩小”(上引尼·—逊先生的书第185页,和第203、275、287、339-340页及其他各页。在瓦·沃·先生的大多数著作中也有同样的观点)。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:21

3. The conversion of the small producer into a wage-worker presumes that he has lost the means of production—land, tools, workshop, etc.—i.e., that he is “impoverished,” “ruined.” The view is advanced that this ruin “diminishes the purchasing power of the population,” “diminishes the home market” for capitalism (Mr. N.—on, loc. cit., p. 185. Also pp. 203, 275, 287, 339-340, etc. The same view is held by Mr. V. V. in the majority of his writings). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 41.


例句 1:
They were more familiar with the Chinese culture than the European and American merchants, so they turned to be the earliest and the strongest purchasers in the markets of the Chinese painting and calligraphy.

例句 2:
By describing the economic development situation during the 3 periods of Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev administration, the paper mainly analyses the variation of Russian citizens’ income levels and consuming indexes.

例句 3:
level of protection is not enough on the suppression of prices, resulting that the prices are still high, people purchasing power is still generally inadequate housing and other issues





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