a country strong on quality
[1] 《质量发展纲要(2011-2020年)》起草工作小组.国务院关于印发质量发展纲要(2011-2020年)的通知[Z].中国质检出版社,2012.
[2] 质量强国战略.via:
1. 创新是引领发展的第一动力,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,深入实施创新驱动发展战略。启动一批新的国家重大科技项目,建设一批高水平的国家科学中心和技术创新中心,培育壮大一批有国际竞争力的创新型领军企业。持续推动大众创业、万众创新。促进大数据、云计算、物联网广泛应用。加快建设质量强国、制造强国。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016
1. Innovation is the primary driving force for development and must occupy a central place in China’s development strategy, which is why we must implement a strategy of innovation-driven development. We should launch new national science and technology programs, build first-class national science centers and technological innovation hubs, help develop internationally competitive high-innovation enterprises, and establish pilot reform zones for all-round innovation. We should make consistent efforts to encourage the public to start businesses and make innovations. We should promote the extensive application of big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things. We need to move faster to transform China into a manufacturer of advanced and quality products and a country that is strong on intellectual property rights. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.
例句 1:
The concept of prospering the nation with quality has been recognized by the whole society, however, it has not been adopted as a practical strategy for the national development.
例句 2:
Focusing on improving the quality has become the core strategy of China’s economic development, it is imperative to construct the social quality governance system, which should take good use of the industry organizations’ unique advantage in managing and organizing the industries.
例句 3:
In the face of this situation, it is pointed out that the “small quality” should be taken as a low-end in value chain. This is just the subjective value orientation and choice rather than the objective law and the inevitable choice. Quality should be judged based on the “direct and indirect” logic instead of “high and low” logic. “Small quality” is the indirect value rather than the low-end value. It is emphasized that giving accur