

字词 定义




[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 30.
[2] Definition. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition


原指对事物做出的明确价值描述,现指对于一种事物的本质特征或一个概念的内涵和外延的确切而简要的说明;或是透过列出一个事件或者一个物件的基本属性来描述或规范一个词或一个概念的意义。命名和定义总是相伴而生,用已知的熟知的来解释和形容未知的陌生的事物并加以区别,这是一个理论界的真理。值得注意的是,定义是一种表述并非自主认知来源,过度拘泥于它会扼杀知道但无法表述的事物(定义. via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89)。定义作为确定一个概念的内涵或外延所常用的逻辑方法,在普通逻辑中占据重要地位。定义所涉及的内容主要包括定义的内涵、定义的方法、定义的种类、定义的规则以及定义的作用等。所谓定义就是用精炼的语句或命题来说明一个概念的内涵或者外延的方法,从而确定这个概念所具有的本质属性或者特有属性,以达到人们清楚它的意义的一种常用的逻辑方法。一个完整的定义一般包括三个部分:被定义项、定义项和定义联项。被定义项是指借助于定义这种形式来确定内涵的概念;定义项是用来确定被定义项内涵的一个概念;定义联项是指连接被定义项与定义项的语词,如“是”、“为”、“即”等。给一个概念下一个科学严谨的定义是需要一定的逻辑知识的,学界常用的方法主要是“属+种差”的方法,首先找到与被定义的概念相近的属,其次确定种差,即被定义的概念与同属的其他概念的差异。一个概念由内涵和外延两部分构成,因此定义也分为内涵定一和外延定义(胡怀亮,2015:25-26)。定义,旧称“界说”。要给一个概念作出正确的定义,必须具有对该概念所反映事物的正确而深刻的具体知识,形式逻辑所提供的只是下定义的方法和应遵守的规则(金炳华等,2001:278)。“所有的定义都只有有条件的、相对的意义,永远也不能包括充分发展的现象一切方面的联系”(列宁,1995:651)。因此,毛泽东指出,“我们讨论问题,应当从实际出发,不是从定义出发”(毛泽东,1991:853)。


[1] 定义. via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89.
[2] 胡怀亮.逻辑学教程[M].民族出版社,2015.
[3] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)(上册)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[4] 列宁.列宁选集(第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1995.
[5] 毛泽东. 毛泽东选集(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1991.


1. 伯恩施坦的中心思想所推导出的第二个必然结论是,尽管资本的控制也许在集中,但随之而来的是所有权的分散。伯恩施坦关于阶级的定义比马克思的定义要模糊得多。他只是把它当做一种社会阶层,其构成主要取决于相似的生活条件。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:26

1. The second corollary of Bernstein’s central assertion was that although the control of capital might be being concentrated, this involved a diffusion of ownership. Bernstein had a much looser definition of class than Marx: he considered it to be simply a social stratum which was largely formed by similarity of living conditions. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 30.

2. “新工人阶级”的理论家则更符合传统的马克思主义。安德烈·高兹(André Gorz)塞奇·马勒(Serge Mallet)等作家既否认发达资本主义条件下工人阶级革命觉悟必然消失的自由主义观,也抛弃了在共产党那里对无产阶级几十年一贯的僵化定义,从而试图重新为阶级斗争划定界限。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:307

2. The theoreticians of the ‘New Working Class’ were more in line with traditional Marxism. Rejecting both the liberal view that the revolutionary consciousness of the working class necessarily disappeared under advanced capitalism and the rigid Communist Party definition of the proletariat that had remained unchanged for decades, writers such as Andre Gorz and Serge Mallet attempted to redraw the boundaries of class struggle. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 320-321.

3. 他特别关注的是,独特而程式化地采用经济、政治和意识形态上的标准,把工人阶级仅仅定义在生产劳动者身上,从而并把它与成为自领管理工作者的“新工人阶级”区分开来。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:322

3. He is particularly concerned, by a rather schematic and exclusive application of economic, political and ideological criteria, to limit the definition of working class to productive labourers and separate it off from the ‘new working class’ of white-collar, supervisory workers. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 334.


例句 1:
In the trend of uniform legislation of global financial products and the profound reform of dematerialized securities, the applicable Securities Law needs to be reconstructed as prompted by a series of system defects due to the lack of connotative definition, narrow interpretation of denotative definition and undefined form of securities carrier.

例句 2:
There are many different viewpoints of the definition of perjury-crime in the kingdom of criminal law in our country, By the analysis and researching these viewpoints basing on the analysis and researching the content of the former few chapters, Penman finds that the definition of perjury crime should include the definition in practice of justice and the definition in perfectness of legislation.

例句 3:
This paper analyzed the problems for the shortcoming of definition clause in Sports Law and other nation usually established definition clause in sports law





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