

字词 奥古斯丁


Augustine of Hippo; Saint Augustine; Saint Austin; Blessed Augustine


Augustine of Hippo. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo


奥古斯丁(Aurelius Augustinus,354—430)是罗马帝国时期著名的基督教神学家和教父哲学的主要代表。公元354年11月13日,奥古斯丁生于北非塔加斯特。奥古斯丁早年就读于文法学校,16岁时入迦太基的省立大学,习修辞学,后又研究哲学。大学毕业后,奥古斯丁在许多地方教授语法和修辞。奥古斯丁一度信奉摩尼教,公元384年转而皈依基督教。在396年,奥古斯丁升任北非希波城主教(周德昌,1992:355)。奥古斯丁在430年逝世,被教会封为“圣徒”。奥古斯丁的基督教哲学将哲学和神学结合起来,用新柏拉图主义的哲学论证基督教教义。奥古斯丁认为神是无限的精神实体,人们只能通过内心思辨神秘地直观神;声称人生来有罪,只有信仰上帝,人才能获得拯救;认为人生的最终目的就是脱离尘世罪恶的“人间之城”,进入幸福的“上帝之城”;强调热爱上帝是最高的美德,对上帝的爱是道德的最高原则;鼓吹教权主义,认为人们虽应服从统冶者,但更应信奉神,教会是“上帝之城”在地上的体现,人们应作“上帝之城”的居民。奥古斯丁的基督教哲学对西欧中世纪的教育产生了巨大影响,为中世纪西欧教会的教权至上论提供了理论根据(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/3688088-3876012.html)。其作品包括《论自田意志》、《上帝之城》、《论真宗教》、《教义手册》、《论三位一体》等(黄楠森,1993:1194)。


[1] 周德昌.简明教育辞典[Z].广东高等教育出版社,1992.
[2] 奥古斯丁. via: http://baike.so.com/doc/3688088-3876012.html
[3] 黄楠森.新编哲学大辞典[Z].山西教育出版社,1993.


1. 最后,如果说培尔依据奥古斯丁的权威(不过这个权威同亚里士多德和其他古代人相比,是无足轻重的,据奥古斯丁说,德谟克利特曾赋予原子以一个精神的原则)责备伊壁鸠鲁,说他想出了一个偏斜来代替这个精神的原则,那么可以反驳他说:原子的灵魂只是一句空话,而偏斜却表述了原子的真实的灵魂即抽象个别性的概念。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷):论犹太人的问题》,2002:34

1. Finally, Bayle, supported by the authority of Augustine,19) who states that Democritus ascribed to the atom a spiritual principle—an authority, by the way, who in contrast to Aristotle and the other ancients is without any importance—reproaches Epicurus for having thought out the concept of declination instead of this spiritual principle. But, on the contrary, merely a word would have been gained with this "soul of the atom", whereas the declination represents the real soul of the atom, the concept of abstract individuality. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1): On the Jewish Question, 1975: 50.

2. 请读一读圣奥古斯丁的《论神之都》,研究一下教父们的著作和基督教精神,然后再来告诉我们:“基督教国家”是国家还是教会?难道你们的实际生活不是每时每刻都证明你们的理论是谎言吗?难道你们认为你们因权利被侵犯而诉诸法庭是不正确的吗?然而使徒却说,这样做不对。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷):论犹太人的问题》,2002:223

2. Read St. Augustine’s De civitate Dei, study the Fathers of the Church and the spirit of Christianity, and then come back and tell us whether the state or the church is the “Christian state”! Or does not every moment of your practical life brand your theory as a lie? Do you consider it wrong to appeal to the courts if you have been cheated? But the apostle writes that it is wrong. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1): On the Jewish Question, 1975: 198.

3. 胡果的论据,也和他的原则一样,是实证的,也就是说,是非批判的。他不知道什么是差别。凡是存在的事物他都认为是权威,而每一个权威又都被他拿来当作一种根据。所以,他在某一段文章里引证了摩西和伏尔泰、理查森和荷马、蒙田和阿蒙,引证了卢梭的《社会契约论》和奥古斯丁的《论神之都》。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷):论犹太人的问题》,2002:231

3. Hugo’s reasoning, like his principle, is positive, i.e., uncritical. He knows no distinctions. Everything existing serves him as an authority, every authority serves him as an argument. Thus, in a single paragraph he quotes Moses and Voltaire, Richardson and Homer, Montaigne and Ammon, Rousseau’s Contrat social and Augustine’s De civitate Dei. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1): On the Jewish Question, 1975: 205.


例句 1:
The interest in biblical parables (mainly in the New Testament) can be traced to Augustine of Hyppo (A.D. 354 – 430).

例句 2:
In the system of Augustine's theology, the evil is the result of the Will which comes from men's free Will, and whether a man will be saved or not is upon to God's Grace.

例句 3:
Therefore, people should trace the concept of “disinterested”, “aesthetic contemplation” to St. Augustine, otherwise people could not find the origins of Modem Aesthetics.





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