

字词 新启蒙运动


the New Enlightenment Movement (of the 1930s in China)


Schwarcz V. The Chinese Enlightenment: Intellectuals and the Legacy of the May Fourth Movement of 1919 [M]. University of California Press, 1986: 237.


新启蒙运动,也称“新理性主义运动”。新启蒙运动是三十年代共产党人为适应抗日民族斗争的需要、配合抗日民族统一战线的建立,在思想文化领域里发起的一场运动。新启蒙运动是在民族危机日趋严重,中国共产党改变政治斗争策略的背景下开展起来的。1935年5月,华北事变后中国所面临的民族危机进一步加深。是年7月25日至8月20日,共产国际七大在莫斯科召开。大会通过的决议指出,在殖民地与半殖民地国家,共产党人最重要的任务是建立人民反帝阵线,为此必须吸引广大群众参加民族解放运动, 并且同民族革命组织和民族改良组织争取共同的行动。1936年9月,上海《读书生活》发行了一个纪念九一八事变的专辑,时任中共中央北方局宣传部长的陈伯达在上面发表了题为《哲学的国防动员新哲学者的自己批判和关于新启蒙运动的建议》的文章,首次提出了“新启蒙运动”的口号(欧阳军喜,2007:55)。1937年5、6月间,关于新启蒙运动的讨论达到了高潮。许多共产党人、自由主义者等都参与了新启蒙运动,他们在“新启蒙运动”的旗帜下结成了一条文化上的统一战线。全国各地文化团体和救亡组织召开座谈会,讨论提倡科学民主,反对迷信愚昧和封建思想等,并刊行五四纪念特刊,对五四运动进行重新估价,阐发新启蒙运动的意义和内容,使这一以马克思主义的世界观和社会革命论为主导思想的运动达到高潮(新启蒙运动.via:http://epub.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx)。到了抗日战争之后,抗战的政治军事实际行动代替了这一思想运动。新启蒙运动是五四运动的继续和发展,历时一年多,对唤起民众的抗战热情和民主意识,宣传抗日,建立思想文化界的统一战线,传播科学和民主起了积极推动作用。


[1] 欧阳军喜.论新启蒙运动[J].安徽史学,2007(3).
[2] 新启蒙运动.via:http://epub.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx


1. 这种看法把纳粹主义视为非理性统治趋势发展到了登峰造极的结果,这一发展趋势就内在于对工具理性和技术合理化的日益强调中,而这种强调是西方自由主义启蒙运动传统的遗产。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:276

1. This approach saw Nazism as the culmination of the trend towards irrational domination inherent in the growing emphasis on instrumental reason and technological rationalisation that was the legacy of the liberal Enlightenment tradition in the West. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 291.

2. 就内涵的意思而言,马克思的思想也包含工具理性的成分,因为马克思强调劳动(《传统理论和批判理论》一书对此作了积极的评论),强调自然界是人类开发的对象,便使他同样陷入了启蒙运动的传统内。因此,在法兰克福学派那里,阶级斗争和政治经济学已退居第二位,而让位于对人与自然之间的关系的堕落方式作出更为广泛的探讨。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:275

2. By implication, Marx’s thought, too, contained elements of instrumental reason: Marx’s emphasis on labour (which had been viewed positively in Traditional and Critical Theory) and on nature as an object for human exploitation put him in the Enlightenment tradition. Thus class struggle and political economy took second place in the Frankfurt School to a broader account of the way in which the relationship between man and nature had become vitiated. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 289.


例句 1:
The thesis inspects and combs the evolutionary course of the New Enlightenment Movement in detail against the thought cultural and social political background of China in the 30-40 years of the 20th century based on rich materials from newspaper and magazine or the works of the participants. The thesis tries to answer the following questions: what political, thought and cultural opinions did the New Enlightenment Movement offer? What kind of historical relationship existed between the Sinification initiated by the New Enlightenment Movement and the Sinification of Marxism advocated by Mao zedong? Why the New Enlightenment Movement did named the May fourth movement as enlightenment movement? Whether can it deepen our understanding of the Chinese enlightenment issue by analyzing the New Enlightenment Movement?

例句 2:
Part One: History investigation of New Enligh





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