

字词 商品资本


commodity capital


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1997: 44.


商品资本,是指产业资本在循环中所采取的商品形态,也就是商品形式存在的资本。对于产业资本来说,具体是指在资本的循环运动中,依次采取货币资本、生产资本和商品资本形式,接着又放弃这些形式,并在每一种形式中完成着相应职能的资本。产业资本的功能有两个,一是在生产过程中创造剩余价值,二是在流通过程中实现剩余价值。所以,产业资本决定着生产的资本主义性质(产业资本.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0FOLAacybvkRYPnoeLAgMI3lZbvLL62ALH3DAdis4zkhiT1vF8hGrsArd47poLNqixnHprf1Fz8XT2PdlYbK-VkkIM13CUY2-d1EQk4uQCn87zGWN4FEAYTOrStjiKuW)。从产业资本的概念中一方面说明商品资本在产业资本循环中处于第三个阶段,即销售阶段上的资本。通过第三个阶段,商品可以转化为货币,不仅收回原来在货币形式上预付的资本价值,同时实现了在生产过程中所创造出来的剩余价值,通过这个阶段,商品是否能够卖掉对资本家来说很重要。另一方面还说明,产业资本的循环经过了购买阶段、生产阶段、销售阶段的三个阶段,“采取货币资本、生产资本和商品资本三种职能形式”(张跃庆,1988:267)。具体来说,生产阶段过程中劳动力与生产资料相结合,于是生产出商品。但是资本主义生产过程不同于其他社会生产过程,其商品与一般的商品不同,它包含有生产过程中工人创造的剩余价值,因而被称之为“商品资本”。商品资本的职能主要是通过销售阶段的出售活动,将商品转化为货币,从而实现剩余价值。随着资本主义的发展,商品资本从产业资本的循环中独立出来,形成为商业资本,商业资本从属于产业资本,为产业资本服务(刘树成,2005:886)。


[1]产业资本.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0FOLAacybvkRYPnoeLAgMI3lZbvLL62ALH3DAdis4zkhiT1vF8hGrsArd47poLNqixnHprf1Fz8XT2PdlYbK-VkkIM13CUY2-d1EQk4uQCn87zGWN4FEAYTOrStjiKuW.


1. 商品,作为已经增殖的资本价值的直接由生产过程本身产生的职能存在形式,就成了商品资本。如果商品生产在它的整个社会范围内按资本主义的方式经营,那末,一切商品从一开始就是商品资本的要素,不论它们是生铁,还是布鲁塞尔的花边,是硫酸,还是雪茄烟。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972:46

1. Commodities become commodity capital as a functional form of existence—stemming directly from the process of production itself—of the already expanded capital value. If the production of commodities were carried on capitalistically throughout society, all commodities would be elements of commodity capital from the outset, whether they were crude iron, Brussels lace, sulphuric acid or cigars. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36): Capital, 1997: 44.

2. 因此,这里要指出两点。第一,资本价值最后再转化为它原来的货币形式,是商品资本的职能。第二,这种职能包含着剩余价值由原来的商品形式到货币形式的第一形式转化。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972:52

2. We have, then, two kinds of observations to make here. First, the ultimate reconversion of capital value into its original money form is a function of commodity capital. Secondly, this function includes the first transformation of surplus value from its original commodity form to its money form. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36): Capital, 1997: 49.

3. 另一方面,流通的商品,即只有取得另一种退出流通并满足直接需要的商品的形式才能得到实现的那种商品,也是本质上作为商品资本的那种资本的最初形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六a卷)》,1979: 207

3. On the other hand, the circulating commodity, the commodity that is realised only by adopting the form of another commodity which drops out of circulation and satisfies immediate needs, is also an original form of capital, which is essentially commodity capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28): Capital, 1986: 185.


例句 1:
Industrial capital is the first historical form of capital to achieve the scale of expansion. For the industrial capital, its expansion on concentrated on the expression of production scale. In the process of expansion, the industrial capital continually improves his control force to the factor as labor and colonial. When this control force increased to a certain extent that inhibits the social purchasing power, a large amount of production which has been expanded would not be converted into monetary capital.

例句 2:
The pursuit of the surplus value and the strong passion for enlargement which were provided with the capital by nature made the capital break through the national bound  to exploit world market according to its developmental logic at l





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