

字词 商业资本


commercial capital; trading capital; merchant’s capital


[1]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 77, 266.
[2]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 78-79.


商业资本,也称“商人资本”,是指从产业资本中分离出来,社会再生产过程中在流通领域发挥职能的资本。具体可以从商品资本的循环开始说起,商品资本循环“不仅是货币资本与生产资本循环的结果,而且是它们的前提”(张跃庆,1988:278),并且随着资本主义的发展,商品资本从产业资本的循环中独立出来,形成为商业资本。商业资本分离出来以后,专门从事商品买卖,独立发挥资本职能,作为一种独立的职能资本,也要获得利润,是以获取商业利润为目的的一种资本形式。其获得的利润称为商业利润,商业利润可以从生产领域中生产的一部分剩余价值转移到流通领域中获得,也可以从商业劳动者的剩余劳动创造的剩余价值中获得。商业资本执行的是商品资本的职能对社会再生产过程起着重要作用,它有利于缩短商品流通时间,节约流通费用,加快资本周转,扩大社会商品流通的规模和范围,从而对生产过程起到促进与推动作用。商业资本有两种形式:“(1)商品经营资本,指专门从事商品买卖的资本”(罗肇鸿,王怀宁,1995:175)。随商品生产的发展和第三次社会大分工的发展,产生于奴隶社会初期。在前资本主义社会中,商品经营资本的出现促进了商品生产的发展和各地区间的经济联系,同时对于小生产者分化和货币资本的积聚具有重要作用。“资本主义社会里的商品经营资本,是商品资本的独立化形态,其职能是为产业资本的流通服务。它使产业资本家节省流通资本,增加生产资本以扩大剥削范围,从而瓜分到产业工人所创造的一部分剩余价值”(罗肇鸿,王怀宁,1995:175)。“(2)货币经营资本,指专门担任货币的收付、兑换、登记、保管等机能的资本”(罗肇鸿,王怀宁,1995:175)。追溯到最初的货币经营资本则是由国际商业中产生的。商人从外国购货,这时有一个限定条件就是必须将本国货币换成当地货币,随着外国购货的增多产生了货币兑换业,为现代货币经营资本自然发生奠定基础,随后又发展为兑换银行。“在资本主义制度下,随着商品经济和分工的发展,货币机能所发生的各种技术性工作就成为某些资本家的专门职能,从而使垫支在这各种机能上的资本独立化为货币经营资本。货币经营资本的利润是产业工人所创造的剩余价值的一部分”(罗肇鸿,王怀宁,1995:175)。商业资本的运动过程形式:“假定以G代表预付货币,W代表商品,G′代表增殖了的货币(G′=G+△G,即等于原预付货币额加上一个增殖额)”(商业资本.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/678765.htm),“商业资本运动的公式是G-W-G′”(宋涛,1988:492)。


[3]商业资本.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/678765.htm.


1. 资产阶级本身只是逐渐地、随同自己的生存条件一起发展起来的,同时它又由于分工关系重新分裂为各种不同的集团,最后随着一切现有财产被变为工业资本或商业资本,它吞并了在它以前存在过的一切有产阶级(同时资产阶级把原先没有财产的阶级的大部分和原先有财产的阶级的一部分变为新的阶级——无产阶级)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:60-61

1. The bourgeoisie itself develops only gradually together with its conditions, splits according to the division of labour into various sections and finally absorbs all propertied classes it finds in existence (while it develops the majority of the earlier propertyless and a part of the hitherto propertied classes into a new class, the proletariat) in the measure to which all property found in existence is transformed into industrial or commercial capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 77.

2. 商人资本或商业资本分为两个形式或亚种,即商品经营资本和货币经营资本。现在,我们要在分析资本的核心构造所必需的范围内,较详细地说明这两种资本的特征。由于现代经济学,甚至它的最优秀的代表,都直接把商业资本和产业资本混为一谈,实际上完全看不到商业资本的特性,我们就更有必要这样做了。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五a卷)》,1974:297

2. Merchant’s, or trading, capital breaks up into two forms or subdivisions, namely, commercial capital and money-dealing capital, which we shall now define more closely, in so far as this is necessary for our analysis of capital in its basic structure. This is all the more necessary, because modern political economy, even in the persons of its best exponents, throws trading capital and industrial capital indiscriminately together and, in effect, wholly overlooks the characteristic peculiarities of the former. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 266.

3. 我们在这里看到,所谓“富农”和“高利贷者”同“善于经营的农夫”毫无共同之点的那种民粹派成见,显然遭到了驳斥。恰恰相反,农民资产阶级手中掌握了商业资本(以土地作抵押出借款项,收购各种产品等等)和产业资本(靠雇用工人来经营的商业性农业等等)的两条线。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:61

3. Here we have a striking refutation of the Narodnik prejudice that the “kulak” and the “usurer” have nothing in common with the “enterprising muzhik.” On the contrary, the threads both of merchant’s capital (the loaning of money on the security of land, the buying-up of various products, etc.) and of industrial capital (commercial agriculture with the aid of wage-workers, etc,.) merge in the hands of the peasant bourgeoisie. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 78-79.


例句 1:
The westward Movement, as a large-scale migration and economic development movement, was driven by many different factors and commercial capital was undoubtedly the fundamental reason.

例句 2:
The re-upright and expansion of modern commercial capital with the core of retail industry has hugely impacted the traditional relations between commerce and industry. Namely, it has occurred a new trend that industrial capital is reversely controlled and penetrated.

例句 3:
The research finds that it is a result for conspiracy and struggle. Mass media and commercial capital have successively led the November 11th issue settings, the guiding role of political power appeared gleamingly, and the public was coerced to move on between power competition.





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