

字词 商品的交换价值


exchange value of commodities


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1997: 62.






1. 但是,这种效用的交换价值,和任何其他商品的交换价值一样,都是由其中消耗的生产要素(劳动力和生产资料)的价值加上运输工人的剩余劳动所创造的剩余价值决定的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972:66

1. But the exchange value of this useful effect is determined, like that of any other commodity, by the value of the elements of production (labour power and means of production) consumed in it plus the surplus value created by the surplus labour of the labourers employed in transportation. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 62.

2. 简言之,“货帀内在的特点是:通过否定自己的目的同时来实现自己的目的;脱离商品而独立;由手段变成目的;通过使商品同交换价值分离来实现商品的交换价值;通过使交换分裂,来使交换易于进行;通过使直接商品交换的困难普遍化,来克服这种困难;按照生产者依赖于交换的同等程度,来使交换脱离生产者而独立”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:560

2. Simply put, “We see, then, how it is an inherent property of money to fulfill its purposes by simultaneously negating them; to achieve independence from commodities; to be a means which becomes an end; to realize the exchange value of commodities by separating them from it; to facilitate exchange by splitting it; to overcome the difficulties of the direct exchange of commodities by generalizing them; to make exchange independent of the producers in the same measure as the producers become dependent on exchange.” Money is both the product of contradiction and the means by which contradiction can be resolved. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 443.

3. 面对这种现象迷误,马克思说,“我们现在要做一种资产阶级经济学家从未尝试过的工作,那就是指出这个货币形态的发生过程,研究商品价值关系中包含的价值表现,怎样从最简单最不引人注意的形式,发展到迷人视觉的货币形态”。因为,如果说商品的交换价值还是需要通过与另一种物品的交换关系表现出来的,这还可能让人想到其中隐匿着某种社会关系,那么在货币形式上,连社会关系的这点痕迹都消失了。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:616

3. Confronting this phenomenological riddle, Marx writes: “a task is set us, the performance of which has never yet even been attempted by bourgeois economy, the task of tracing the genesis of this money form, of developing the expression of value implied in the value relation of commodities, from its simplest, almost imperceptible outline, to the dazzling money-form.” This is because if the exchange value of commodities must be expressed through the exchange relation of another good, this will still make us think that there is a social relation hidden somewhere therein. Rather, in the money form, even this trace of a social relation is gone. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 488.


例句 1:
The more the commodities are, the more people need and desire for, and so the unsatisfied needs and desires become fewer and less important, finally leading to the least important needs and desires caused by average increase, east marginal utility, least value in use, least entity of exchange value, and least exchange value of average commodity. 

例句 2:
In the cover girl industry, the beauty is the value of themerchandise and the criterion of beauty is the ex-change value of themerchandise. The commercialization of the female image has reinforced the centralized status of themale; meanwhile, the female awareness of being watched has also been reinforced.

例句 3:
The marginal utility of average commodity degreases with the increase of this commodity, so does its exchange value for the entity of the exchange value is the value in use, in other words, the marginal utility of commodity.





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