

字词 社保基金


social security fund


Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm


社保基金,即全国社会保障基金,来源于企事业职工的养老保险费,是指全国社会保障基金理事会负责管理的由国有股转持划入资金及股权资产、中央财政拨入资金、经国务院批准以其他方式筹集的资金及其投资收益形成的由中央政府集中的社会保障基金(社保基金.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/549039.htm)。社会主义国家和企业通常利用社保基金用于社会救济和劳动保险等方面,是社会主义的社会消费基金的组成部分,显示了社会主义制度的优越性。“社会主义国家的劳动者年老、疾病或者丧失劳动能力的情况下,有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利”(许征帆,1987:631)。2013年,社会保险基金预算突破性地首次列入预算报告,受我国最高权力机关的监督,全国社会保险基金预算按险种分别进行编制,包括“基本养老保险基金、基本医疗保险基金、失业保险基金、工伤保险基金、生育保险基金等社会保险基金”(社保基金.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/549039.htm)。2016年,在国务院常务会议上,通过了《全国社会保障基金条例(草案)》。这也就是证明,1.5万亿元社保基金的资产管理开始真正实现“有法可依”。《全国社会保障基金条例(草案)》“对全国社保基金的筹资、管理以及使用都做了明确的规定,进一步规范了基金的运行,从而保障基金的安全”(社保基金.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/549039.htm)。随着时代的发展,在我国社保基金已经可以进入股市(虽然不是全部,有比例的限制),这样做有利于社保基金实现增值,最终保障的是人民的利益。


[1]社保基金.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/549039.htm.


1. 织密织牢社会保障安全网。继续提高退休人员基本养老金标准。各地要切实负起责任,确保养老金按时足额发放。制定划转部分国有资本充实社保基金办法。开展养老服务业综合改革试点,推进多种形式的医养结合。落实临时救助、特困人员救助供养等制度,合理确定救助供养标准,完善工作机制。城乡低保人均补助标准分别提高5%和8%。加快健全城乡社会救助体系,使困难群众遇急有助、遇困有帮,让社会充满关爱和温暖。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. We will build an extensive and tightly woven social safety net. We will continue to raise basic pension benefits for retirees. Local governments need to fulfill their duties to ensure that pension benefits are paid on time and in full. We will work out methods for putting a portion of state capital into social security funds. Initiatives will be launched to pilot comprehensive reform of the elderly care service industry, and progress should be made in developing a variety of forms of combined medical and care services for the elderly. We will implement the temporary assistance scheme and the system for providing basic assistance to persons living in extreme poverty, appropriately determining how much to grant and improving how it is granted. Per capita subsidies for subsistence allowances in rural and urban areas will be increased by 8% and 5%, respectively. We will speed up the development of social assistance systems so that people with urgent needs have access to assistance and support, helping society become a caring and warm one. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.


例句 1:
In recent years, the duty crime in the social security fund take place frequently. Especially, the funds were occupy or divert, these kind of corruption case growing rapidly. Which finally result in a huge loss for the social security fund.

例句 2:
Investment supervision of social security funds should follow the safety principle, profitable principle, fluidity principle, legitimacy principle commonweal principle.

例句 3:
As the kernel and core of the social security system, in my country, the aim of managing the social security fund (thereafter named as SSF) is to safeguarding the people’s basic life, when they are in the face of the old illness, injury, maternity and other conditions,and reduce the uncertainty of the social members for future life.





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