

字词 社团


society; corporation; association; mass organization; clubs


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1974: 194.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 286.
[3] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 66.
[4] 李开荣.汉英政治法律词典[Z].中国书籍出版社,2001:8.
[5] 约翰·伊特韦尔,默里·米尔盖特,皮特·纽曼.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第一卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996:494.




[1] 社团.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A4%BE%E5%9B%A2
[2] 约翰·伊特韦尔,默里·米尔盖特,皮特·纽曼.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第一卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996.


1. 这样一来,鲁道夫无意中说出了早已公开的秘密:人的贫穷、 使人不得不接受施舍的那种极度窘迫的境遇,都应供金钱贵族和知识贵族娱乐,应当作为满足他们的自私欲、供他们摆架子和消遣的对象。在德国有许多慈善协会,在法国有不少慈善社团,在英国也举办无数唐·吉诃德式的慈善事业,如为赈济穷人举办的音乐会、舞会、义演、义餐,甚至为遭遇不幸的人募捐,——这一切都没有任何别的意思。由此可见,慈善事业也早就已经当做消遣来举办了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:247-248

1. Rudolph has thereby unconsciously expressed the mystery which was revealed long ago, that human misery itself, the infinite abjectness which is obliged to receive alms, must serve the aristocracy of money and education as a plaything to satisfy its self-love, tickle its arrogance and amuse it. The numerous charitable associations in Germany, the numerous charitable societies in France and the great number of charitable quixotic societies in England, the concerts, balls, plays, meals for the poor, and even the public subscriptions for victims of accidents, have no other object. It seems then that along these lines charity, too, has long been organised as entertainment. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 194.

2. 这样一来,作为土地的土地,作为地租的地租,就失去自己的等级的差别而变成根本不讲话的,或者无宁说,只用货币语言来讲话的资本和利息。——资本和土地的差别,利润和地租的差别,这二者和工资的差别,工业和农业之间、私有的 不动产和动产之间的差别,仍然是历史的差别,而不是基于事物本质的差别。这种差别是资本和劳动的对立历史地形成和产生的一个固定环节。在工业等等中,同不动的地产对立,表现出的只是工业产生的方式以及工业在其中得到发展的那个同农业的对立。这种差别只要在下述情况下就作为特殊种类的劳动,作为包括全部生活的一个本质的、重要的差别而存在:工业(城市生活)同地产(封建的贵族生活)对立而形成,并且本身通过垄断、行会、同业公会和社团等形式还带有自己对立物的封建性质;而在这些形式的规定内,劳动还具有表面上的社会意义,实际的共同体的意义,还没有达到对自己的内容漠不关心以及完全单独存在的地步,也就是说,还没有从其他一切存在中抽象出来,从而也还没有成为获得行动自由的资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷:1884年经济学哲学手稿)》,1979:106-107

2. Land as land, and rent as rent, have lost their distinction of rank and become insignificant capital and interest—or rather, capital and interest that signify only money. The distinction between capital and land, between profit and rent, and between both and wages, and industry, and agriculture, and immovable and movable private property—this distinction is not rooted in the nature of things, but is a historical distinction, a fixed historical moment in the formation and development of the contradiction between capital and labour. In industry, etc., as opposed to immovable landed property, is only expressed the way in which [industry] came into being and the contradiction to agriculture in which industry developed. This distinction only continues to exist as a special sort of work—as an essential, important and life-embracing distinction—so long as industry (town life) develops operand against landed property (aristocratic feudal life) and itself continues to bear the feudal character of its opposite in the form of monopoly, craft, guild, corporation, etc. , within which labour still has a seemingly social significance, still the significance of the real community, and has not yet reached the stage of indifference to its content, of complete being-for-self, i.e., of abstraction from all other being, and hence has not yet become liberated capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3): Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, 1975: 285-286.

3. 欧美同学会成立于100年前的民族危难之时,成立伊始就积极践行爱国思想,组织会员参与爱国民主运动、投身民族救亡和人民解放事业,成为那个时代追求民主、崇尚科学的爱国社团。新中国成立后,欧美同学会积极动员海外学人回国,成为党和政府领导下的进步社团。改革开放以来,欧美同学会大力实施“报国计划”,成为致力于中国特色社会主义亊业的群众团体。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:60-61

3. Founded 100 years ago when the survival of the nation was at stake, the Western Returned Scholars Association practiced patriotism by organizing its members to participate in patriotic and democratic movements and join the cause for national salvation and peopled liberation, thus becoming a famous patriotic association for democracy and science at that time. After the Peopled Republic was founded in 1949, the Association became a progressive association under the leadership of the Party and government by vigorously encouraging the return of Chinese students abroad. Since the beginning of China’s reform and opening up, the Association has energetically carried out the “serve the country program, making itself a peopled organization dedicated to socialism with Chinese characteristics. Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 66.


例句 1:
This report provides an overview of the basic properties of Chinese scientific and technological societies, their three different stages of development with a distinctive feature since the reform and opening up.

例句 2:
Civil Society theory and Corporatism theory are two mainstream perspectives of studying contemporary Chinese industry associations. These theories represent two different approaches of the industry associations after China’s economic reform.

例句 3:
This paper points out that through mining the society existed in complex networks, the topological structure and function of complex networks can be analyzed, and the hidden rules can be found either.





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