字词 | 空谈误国,实干兴邦 |
释义 | 空谈误国,实干兴邦【英】Empty talk harms the country; while hard work makes it flourish.译文来源Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 38. 定义“空谈误国、实干兴邦”是中华民族伟大振兴而必须坚持的信仰与作风。“空谈误国”一词,来自于“清谈误国”。该说法应该源自清代顾炎武先生的总结。魏晋时代,风流名士以清谈为风尚,被王羲之砭为“虚谈废务,浮文妨要,恐非当今所宜”,后人更是批评两晋亡于清谈,遂有顾炎武“清谈误国”之说。“空谈误国,实干兴邦”这句话最早是由是邓小平提出的。1992年1月18日,邓小平南巡,列车抵达武昌火车站在月台上,邓小平在与湖北省委书记关广富谈话时指出:“发展才是硬道理,成天去争论什么资本主义社会主义有啥意思?空谈误国,实干兴邦”(牛泽群,2013:49)。当时深圳市蛇口工业区的负责人袁庚,在面对外界对特区姓“资”姓“社”争议不断的背景下,以其高度的政治敏锐性,深入领会邓小平南方谈话精神实质,果断地在蛇口工业大道上竖起了“空谈误国,实干兴邦”的标语牌。这个口号不胫而走,很快成为全国最响亮、最浑厚、最雄壮的流行语之一。2012年11月29日,习近平总书记与其他政治局常委集体参观《复兴之路》展览时发表重要讲话,深情阐述中国梦,其中特别提到“空谈误国,实干兴邦”(空谈误国 实干兴邦.via: http://www.qstheory.cn/wz/shp/201212/t20121204_198362.htm)。“空谈误国、实干兴邦”,这八个字是对中国几千年治国理政历史经验的总结,言简意赅,意义深远。如果说邓小平同志当年首次用这个口号结束了意识形态领域的长期争论和禁锢,重新吹响了改革开放的历史号角,那么习近平总书记的再次重申,就可以看作是对邓小平同志改革遗志的真切继承和把改革开放伟大事业继续推向深入的伟大宣誓。 定义来源[1] 牛泽群.“空谈误国,实干兴邦”的由来[J].共产党员,2013(2). 例句1. 空谈误国,实干兴邦。我们这一代共产党人一定要承前启后、继往开来,把我们的党建设好,团结全体中华儿女把我们国家建设好,把我们民族发展好,继续朝着中华民族伟大复兴的目标奋勇前进。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:36 1. Empty talk harms the country, while hard work makes it flourish. Our generation of Communists should draw on past progress and chart a new course for the future. We should strengthen Party building, rally all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation around us in a common effort to build our country and develop our nation, and continue to boldly advance towards the goal of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 38. 2. 人民创造历史,劳动开创未来。劳动是推动人类社会进步的根本力量。幸福不会从天而降。梦想不会自动成真。实现我们的奋斗目标,开创我们的美好未来,必须紧紧依靠人民、始终为了人民,必须依靠辛勤劳动、诚实劳动、创造性劳动。我们说“空谈误国,实干兴邦”,实干首先就要脚踏实地劳动。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:44 2. To achieve our goals and create a bright future we must rely closely on the people, always act in their interests, and work in an industrious, honest and creative way. We often say, “Empty talk harms the country, while hard work makes it flourish.” This means we must first get down to work. As we forge ahead, we must give full rein to the vital role of the working class and its historical initiative, and arouse its motivation for work and creation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 47. 3. 广大青年要牢记“空谈误国、实干兴邦”,立足本职、埋头苦干,从自身做起,从点滴做起,用勤劳的双手、一流的业绩成就属于自己的人生精彩。要不怕困难、攻坚克难,勇于到条件艰苦的基层、国家建设的一线、项目攻关的前沿,经受锻炼,增长才干。要勇于创业、敢闯敢干,努力在改革开放中闯新路、创新业,不断开辟事业发展新天地。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:52 3. Young people must bear in mind that “empty talk harms the country, while hard work makes it flourish” and put it into practice. You must work hard at your own posts, start from trivial things, and create your own splendid life with hard work, outstanding performances and remarkable achievements. Young people must never fear difficulties, but try to overcome them; you should go to the grassroots with tough conditions and the frontline for national construction and project development to temper yourselves and enhance your capabilities. Young people must have the courage and determination to start up businesses and do pioneering work, try to blaze new trails and start new endeavors in reform and opening up, and constantly create new prospects for their career development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 56-57 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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