

字词 城乡二元结构


urban-rural structures; dual structure in urban and rural economy


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 89.
[2] Build a Well-off Society in an All-round Way and Create a New Situation in Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, 2002, via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/9b5f418a-4ed3-447e-837e-faee6c1a8122/


在发展中国家由传统农业经济向现代工业经济过渡的历史进程中,必然出现农村相对落后的生产和生活方式与城市不断进步的现代生产、生活方式之间的不对称的组织形式和社会存在形式,即所谓“城乡二元结构”(urban-rural structures, dual structure in urban and rural economy)。城乡二元结构一般是指以社会化生产为主要特点的城市经济和以小生产为主要特点的农村经济并存的结构。我国城乡二元结构主要表现为:城市经济以现代化的大工业生产为主,而农村经济以典型的小农经济为主;城市的道路、通信、卫生和教育等基础设施发达,而农村的基础设施落后;城市的人均消费水平远远高于农村;相对于城市,农村人口众多等。这种状态既是发展中国家的经济结构存在的突出矛盾,也是这些国家相对贫困和落后的重要原因。“城乡二元结构”削弱了农村建设的经济基础,农村对基础设施、农田水利设施、科技、卫生等农村公共物品和服务的需求很大,但国家用于“三农”方面的支出却有限(王舒扬,2014:86)。发展中国家的现代化进程,可以说在很大程度上是要实现城乡二元结构向现代经济结构的转换。解决和突破这一矛盾的根本出路应是在发展农村经济的基础上走农村城市化道路,实现城乡良性互动,逐步减少农村人口,转移农村剩余劳动力,增加城镇人口,转变生产增长方式,提高劳动生产率,优化第一产业结构,促进第二、三产业的发展,从而提高农村整体的经济效益和社会效益。所以,城市化是解决我国城乡二元结构矛盾的根本出路(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2967311-3130276.html)。


[1] 王舒扬.中国农村可持续住宅建设与设计[M].东南大学出版社,2014.
[2] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2967311-3130276.html


1. 改革开放以来,我国农村面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。但是,城乡二元结构没有根本改变,城乡发展差距不断拉大趋势没有根本扭转。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:81

1. Tremendous changes have taken place in China’s rural areas since the reform and opening-up policy was introduced in late 1978. However, the separate urban-rural structures have not changed fundamentally, and the widening gap between urban and rural development has not been reversed. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 89.

2. 城乡二元结构是制约城乡发展一体化的主要障碍。必须健全体制机制,形成以工促农、以城带乡、工农互惠、城乡一体的新型工农城乡关系,让广大农民平等参与现代化进程、共同分享现代化成果。——《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,2013

2. The urban-rural dual structure is a main obstacle to the integrated development of urban and rural areas. We must improve the mechanisms and institutions to form new relations between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas in which industry promotes agriculture, urban areas support rural development, agriculture and industry benefit each other, and urban and rural areas achieve integrated development, so that the overwhelming majority of farmers can participate in the modernization process on an equal basis and share the fruits of modernization. -Quoted from Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform, 2013.

3. 我国生产力和科技、教育还比较落后,实现工业化和现代化还有很长的路要走;城乡二元经济结构还没有改变,地区差距扩大的趋势尚未扭转,贫困人口还为数不少;人口总量继续增加,老龄人口比重上升,就业和社会保障压力增大;生态环境、自然资源和经济社会发展的矛盾日益突出;我们仍然面临发达国家在经济科技等方面占优势的压力;经济体制和其他方面的管理体制还不完善;民主法制建设和思想道德建设等方面还存在一些不容忽视的问题。巩固和提高目前达到的小康水平,还需要进行长时期的艰苦奋斗。——《全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面——江泽民总书记在中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会上的报告》,2002:19

3. Our productive forces, science, technology and education are still relatively backward, so there is still a long way to go before we achieve industrialization and modernization. The dual structure in urban and rural economy has not yet been changed, the gap between regions is still widening and there are still quite a large number of impoverished people. China’s population continues to grow, the proportion of the aged is getting larger, and the pressure on employment and social security is mounting. The contradiction between the ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and economic and social development one the other is becoming increasingly conspicuous. We still feel pressure from developed countries as they have the upper hand in such fields as the economy, science and technology. The economic structure and managerial systems in other fields remain to be perfected. There are still some problems we cannot afford to overlook in improving democracy and the legal system as well as the ideological and ethical standards. We need to work hard over a long period of time to consolidate and uplift our current well-off standard of living. -Quoted from Build a Well-off Society in an All-round Way and Create a New Situation in Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, 2002: 20-21.


例句 1:
The urban-rural dual structure of the civil rights of farmers inequality is a major issue of social concern.

例句 2:
However, the results of the development reflected in the city, with the urban-rural dual structure, industrial structure change intensifies, urban-rural dual structure of ever proposed: urban and rural development uncoordinated, unbalanced, wage different.

例句 3:
In general, the gap of modern industrial sector and traditional agricultural sector is naturally formed during economic development which resulting the urban-rural dual structure.





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