

字词 城乡居民人均收入


per capita income of urban and rural residents; per capita income for both urban and rural residents


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 61.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 300.


城乡居民人均收入是指反映居民全部现金收入能用于安排家庭日常生活的那部分收入。它是家庭总收入扣除交纳的所得税、个人交纳的社会保障费以及调查户的记账补贴后的收入。2012年7月,31省区公布2011年城镇居民人均可支配收入,其中,上海、北京、浙江占据前三名,甘肃垫底。从增幅来看,海南增幅最高,达17.9%。它的计算公式为:可支配收入=家庭总收入—交纳的所得税—个人交纳的社会保障支出—记帐补贴。它区别于农民纯收入,从指标的含义上看,城乡居民人均收入是指城镇居民的实城镇居民人均可支配收入际收入中能用于安排日常生活的收入。它是用以衡量城市居民收入水平和生活水平的最重要和最常用的指标。而农民纯收入,则是指农民的总收入扣除相应的各项费用性支出后,归农民所有的收入;从形态构成上看,城乡居民人均收入只有一种形态,即价值形态。它只是反映城镇居民的现金收入情况。而农民纯收入的实际形态有两种,一种是价值形态,另一种是实物形态,主要是指农民自留的粮食、食油、蔬菜、肉禽蛋等;从可支配的内容看,城乡居民人均收入是全部用于安排日常生活的收入。而农民纯收入除了用做生活消费,其中有相当一部分要留做追加的生产费基金,用于农民的生产和扩大再生产(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5422341-5660536.html)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5422341-5660536.html  
[2] 李永新,邓湘树.2014四川省公务员录用考试专用系列教材 申论第9版[M].西南财经大学出版社,2013.


1. 在新的历史时期,中国梦的本质是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。我们的奋斗目标是,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入在2010年基础上翻一番,全面建成小康社会;到本世纪中叶,建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:56

1. In this new historical period, the essence of the Chinese Dream is to make our country prosperous and strong, revitalize the nation and make the people live better lives. Our objectives are to double the 2010 GDP and per capita income of urban and rural residents, and complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. By mid-century, we aim to build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious, and realize the Chinese Dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 61.

2. 去年11月,中国共产党召开了第十八次全国代表大会,明确了今后一个时期中国的发展蓝图,提出到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入将在2010年的基础上翻一番,在中国共产党建党100年时全面建成小康社会,在新中国成立100年时建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:274

2. Last November, the CPC held its 18th National Congress. According to the blueprint it mapped out for the country's development in the near future, China will double its 2010 GDP and per capita income for both urban and rural residents by 2020, complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the Party celebrates its centenary in 2021, and turn itself into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the PRC marks its centenary in 2049. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 300.

3. 中国经济增速有所趋缓是中国主动调控的结果。因为,实现我们确定的2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番的目标,只要7%的增速就够了。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:345

3. The slowdown of the Chinese economy is an intended result of our own regulatory initiatives. This is because, according to a thorough calculation done at the time we set our mid- and long-term development goals to double the 2010 GDP and per capita income by 2020, it is judged that a 7% annual growth rate would suffice. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 380.


例句 1:
城乡居民人均收入比由1978年的2. 56扩大到2011年的3. 13,绝对收入差距则由209元增加到14832元,较改革开放之初扩大了71倍,我国己成为世界上城乡收入差距最严重的国家之一。——《人力资本对我国城乡居民收入差距的影响研究》,安徽财经大学硕士学位论文,2014
The ratio of per capita income of urban and rural residents was up to 3.13 in 2011 compared with 2.56 in 1978, the absolute income gap increased from 209 yuan to 14832 yuan, it had enlarged 71 times compared with the beginning of the reform and opening up, China has become one of countries which have the most serious urban-rural income gap.

例句 2:
In 2020 the per capita income of urban and rural residents more than doubled in 2010 plenary session of building a well-off society in the new requirements, to 2020 GDP per capita income of urban and rural residents more than doubled in 2010, the industry towards high-end level, consumption.

例句 3:
Based on the provincial panel data from 1993 to 2012, this paper uses the instrumental variable generalized moment method to estimate the per capita disposable income of urban residents and the proportion of rural per capita net income to the per capita GDP.





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