

字词 合理的辩证法


rational dialectics


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 344.


合理的辩证法(rational dialectics)是意大利葛兰西用语,他以合理的辩证法取代马克思的唯物辩证法。马克思对黑格尔的辩证法进行了唯物主义的改造,剥去了其唯心主义的“神秘外壳”,吸收了其中的“合理内核”,因而马克思的唯物辩证法同黑格尔的唯心主义辩证法是对立的。葛兰西出于对唯物主义的信仰、偏见和迷信联系起来的误解,以及对伯恩施坦等人宣扬的形而上学唯物主义的不满,却歪曲了马克思的原意,硬是把合理辩证法同唯物辩证法对立起来,宣扬所谓不是唯物主义的“合理辩证法”(冯契,2001:512)。“他这样作的用意,在于否认辩证法的自然物质基础,把辩证法归结为实践活动范围内的物质和精神,人和自然的“对立物的同一性”。他认为,卢卡奇否定思格斯关于自然辩证法的论述,把辩证法只应用于人类,仍然具有自然和人的二元论假定,所以还不能彻底否定自然辩证法。在他看来,只有“把人和自然彼此统一起来和联系起来”,把自然界包括在人类史之中,从而否定实践之外的自然界的客观存在,才能彻底排除自然辩证法。可是,葛兰西的“合理辩证法。具有更彻底的唯心主义性质”(葛力,1990:216)。


[1] 冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)(上册)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 葛力.现代西方哲学辞典[Z].求实出版社,1990.


1. 相反地,这些实验结果仍然存在,只是它们的公式被倒过来了,从燃素说的语言翻译成了现今通用的化学的语言,因此它们还保持着自己的有效性。黑格尔的辩证法同合理的辩证法的关系,正如热素说同热之唯动说的关系,燃素说同拉瓦锡理论的关系一样。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:388

1. On the contrary, they persisted, only their formulation was inverted, was translated from the phlogistic into the now valid chemical language and thus they retained their validity. The relation of Hegelian dialectics to rational dialectics is the same as that of the caloric theory to the mechanical theory of heat and that of the phlogistic theory to the theory of Lavoisier. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 344.

2. 但是现在一切都不同了。化学,物理东西的抽象的可分性,恶无限性——原子论。生理学——细胞(由分化而产生的个体和种的有机发展过程,是合理的辩证法的最令人信服的检验),以及最后,各种自然力的同一性及其相互转化,而这种相互转化把范畴的一切固定性都结束了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:545

2. Now, however, everything is quite different. Chemistry—atomistics. The abstract divisibility in physics—bad infinity. Physiology—the cell (the organic process of development, both of the individual and of species, by differentiation, the most striking test of rational dialectics), and finally the identity of the forces of nature and their mutual convertibility, which put an end to all fixity of categories. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 485-486.


例句 1:
In dialeetics, Gramsci Criticizes Croce’s·dialectics of distinction and Bukharin’s mechanical materialism dialectics, reveals their common drawback that the dialectics is separated from reality; Marxist dialectics is a “rational dialectics” which researches the Laws of history practically and takes history as its object; Grarnsci only ackownledges the dialectic of humanized nature, while denies the dialectic of nature-in-itself. 

例句 2:
Huangdi School has reformed the thoughts about inactivity, softness, non-competence of Laozi school, and they has combined inactivity with activity, softness with strong, non-competence with competence, by which the metaphysical one-sidedness of Laozi school has been broken through, forming a kind of relatively healthy and reasonable dialectic thoughts.

例句 3:
The rational dialectical thought is expressed with mysterious way, so as to serve to their idealistic theory.





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