

字词 经验事实


empirical fact


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 147.


经验事实是人们通过观察、实验、测量等科学实践活动,借助于语言文字等方式,获得的关于客观存在的事件、现象或过程的描述、陈述或判断(金炳华,2003:401)。经验事实构成科学的经验基础,是进入到认识领域的客观事实。从内涵上讲,它是指人们通过感官获得的以感觉、知觉、直觉、表象形式描述出来的外经验知识;从外延上说,它则主要分为观察事实与实验事实。由于经验事实会受到来自主观和客观两方面多种因素的影响,因而具有可错性和不确定性的特点,因此经验事实是可证伪的,是科学而不是形而上学。经验事实经过科学家同行的检验,整理,复核,确证后才能转化为科学事实(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=VYudNwJIBJ6lVwDIJpJIk04SA7L3eERjAfqe7TOtoJDV0aJmT_V43JvGtVNqWf_smDrRJqndl46KCt2nG9rUOq)。


[2] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=VYudNwJIBJ6lVwDIJpJIk04SA7L3eERjAfqe7TOtoJDV0aJmT_V43JvGtVNqWf_smDrRJqndl46KCt2nG9rUOq


1. 圣麦克斯在我们所分析的那一段(第33-37页)中关于近代人所说的,还不过是即将到来的精神历史的序幕。在这里我们也看到:他怎样力求“尽快地摆脱”经验事实,怎样在我们面前提出了一些只不过是换了名称的古代人的范畴——悟性、心灵、精神等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:153

1. What Saint Max says about the moderns in the above section (pp. 33-37) is only the prologue to the spirit history which is in store for us. Here, too, we see how he tries “to rid himself as quickly as possible” of empirical facts and parades before us the same categories as in the case of the ancients—reason, heart, spirit, etc.—only they are given different names. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 147.

2. 这里有一个有意思的对比,即此处在经济学语境中的社会客观矛盾与前面《穆勒笔记》中哲学话语里的异化关系美文学描述的巨大反差,这种从现实经验事实出发的经济学语境,恰恰是青年恩格斯《国民经济学批判大纲》的思路。这只是他的一种策略性的逻辑方法“借用”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:210

2. Here we can make an interesting comparison, between the objective social contradictions in an economics context that Marx discusses at this point and the aesthetic description of alienated relationships within a philosophical context in Notes on Mill. This economics context, rooted in empirical fact, was the line of thinking found in young Engels’ Umrisse zu einer Kritik der Nationalökonomie. This was a strategical “borrowing” of Engels’ logical method by Marx. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 55.


例句 1:
Chapter 1 is an introduction on the basic research approaches, especially the distinguishing of the empirical facts and theoretical facts, the absolute (unlimited) integration and relative (limited) integration, lays down solid foundations for the dissertation.

例句 2:
The theoretical research and the experience fact has indicated that good and the perfect financial system has the positive promotion to the economic development. On the contrary, incomplete and imperfect financial system has not only no promotion to economic development but also the negative influence on it.

例句 3:
The process of scientific discovery is to use some scientific concept to give the empirical fact meaning and make it become the scientific fact. Discovering a scientific fact isn’t equivalent to seeing a empirical fact.





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