

字词 经验现实


empirical reality


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 27.


在经验现实主义哲学观里,意义被视为是最关键的,要解决的主要问题是语词(1inguistic expression)和语词所传达的概念是怎样获取意义的(蓝纯,2005:55)。认知语言学的主要哲学基础是经验现实主义(experiential realism),简称经验主义(experientialism)。经验现实主义的产生很大程度上要归功于Putnam于1981年提出的“内在现实主义”(internal realism)(高文成,2008:43)。“经验是全部现实,经验不需要证实,因为它存在着”(列宁,1990:514)。


[1] 蓝纯.认知语言学与隐喻研究[M].外语教学与研究出版社,2005.
[2] 高文成.英汉存在句认知对比研究[M].武汉大学出版社,2008.
[3] 列宁.列宁全集(第五十五卷)[M].人民出版社,1990.


1. 新社会运动成功地挑战了经典马克思主义和自由主义——资产阶级的政治教条,宣告了多元的激进民主的必要性。在背道而驰的精心解读中,前几代经典马克思主义理论家的失败——没有提出一种连接理论世界与经验现实的令人满意的霸权概念——为这样一种事业提供了基础。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:42

1. The success of the new social movements in challenging both classical Marxist and liberal-bourgeois political dogma announces the need for a pluralist-oriented radical democracy. In a neat piece of reading against the grain, the failure of previous generations of classical Marxist theorists to come up with a satisfactory conception of hegemony bridging the worlds of theory and empirical reality, provides the foundation for such an enterprise. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 27.

2. 在古典经济学发生发展的现实理论运作中,经济学家总是力图从悬置于自然物质之上的社会生活中的经验现实出发,并且,在一些优秀的经济学家那里,已经抽象出非实体的“劳动活动”和“价值”、“交换”等社会物质存在(魁奈、斯密和李嘉图)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:158

2. In the real theoretical development of classical economics, economists had always attempted to start with an empirical reality in social life that existed above natural material. Furthermore, a few exceptional economists, such as Quesnay, Smith, and Ricardo, had already abstracted non-substantive social material existence, including “labor activity”, “value”, and “exchange”, etc. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 114.


例句 1:
Objective philosophy has been a ruling philosophy in Western society. The experiential realistic philosophy was born in the 1980s and has acquired its philosophical status today. Compared with the dialectical materialtic philosophy, the language view, especially the semantic view of the objective and the experiential realistic philosophy is more systematic and complete.

例句 2:
The existing theories explained the form choice of informal international regimes from the perspectives of the issue characteristics, the specific advantages of informal regimes and transaction costs. However, because they couldn't take the domestic incentives into account, the existing theories can’t explain some empirical phenomena.

例句 3:
In Culamalunkya Sutra, Buddha deals metaphysical questions with an attitude of empiricism and pragma





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