

字词 机械论




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 490.






1. 其次,他也批评了所谓机械论的观点:在这些政治经济学家那里,人就等同于物,人的活动与机器的运转是同值的。这一派学者所关心的,只是怎样达到最高额的生产和保证最大的消费或有效需求,“至于这些物品是用什么方法或者由谁生产的,不管是由骆驼、马、人、奴隶或非奴隶生产的”,这些都无关紧要,财富由什么人消费,是少数人还是大多数人,也是无须关注的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:358

1. The next object of criticism in Thompson’s preface was the “mechanical” viewpoint of the political economists: their view that men were things, that the activity of men and the motion of machines was of equal value. All that this group of economists cared for was achieving the highest possible level of production and ensuring the most consumption or efficient demand: “By what means, or by whom, the articles were produced, whether by camels, horses, men, slaves or not slaves, whether by hard labor or easy labor, by healthful or life-consuming exertion, signified not.” Who consumed the wealth, whether it was the minority or the majority, was not important either. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 277.

2. (八)战争问题中的唯心论和机械论的倾向,是一切错误观点的认识论上的根源。他们看问题的方法是主观的和片面的。或者是毫无根据地纯主观地说一顿;或者是只根据问题的一侧面,一时候的表现,也同样主观地把它夸大起来,当作全体看。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:447

2. 8. Epistemologically speaking, the source of all erroneous views on war lies in idealist and mechanistic tendencies on the question. People with such tendencies are subjective and one-sided in their approach to problems. They either indulge in groundless and purely subjective talk, or, basing themselves upon a single aspect or a temporary manifestation, magnify it with similar subjectivity into the whole of the problem. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 121.

3. 应用到生命上的机械论是一个无能为力的范畴,如果我们不愿意放弃名称的全部意义,那末我们最多只能说化学论。目的:黑格尔,第5卷第205页396:“由于机械论企图把自为的自然界看作一个在它的概念上不需要任何别的东西的整体,所以机械论本身就表现为向着整体性的一种追求,而这整体性在目的中以及在和目的相联系的外部世界的悟性中是找不到的。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:550

3. Mechanism applied to life is a helpless category, at the most we could speak of chemism, if we do not want to renounce all understanding of names. Purpose: Hegel, V, p. 205: "Thus mechanism manifests itself as a tendency of totality in that it seeks to seize nature for itself as a whole which requires no other for its notion—a totality which is not found in end and the extra-mundane understanding which is associated therewith." -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 490.


例句 1:
Traditional mainstream psychology looked for its road, simulating the nature science, so it expressed strong tendency of mechanism in the process of formation and development.

例句 2:
Leibniz was a famous scientist and philosopher in the 17th century. He produced the organic view of nature opposite to the mechanism which was keeping up.

例句 3:
Modern scientific revolution in Europe has shown that natural philosophy in the 17th-century had been always dominated of two themes from Copernicus to Newton’s: one is Plato-Pythagorean traditional School, and the other is mechanistic philosophy.





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