

字词 历史哲学


philosophy of history


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:707.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972: 389.
[3] Philosophy of history. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_history




[1] 谭鑫田.西方哲学词典[Z].山东人民出版社,1992.
[2] 高清海.文史哲百科辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1988.


1. 前面我已经说过,不理解马克思的政治经济学,就不可能真正理解马克思主义的哲学。在此我还要指出,马克思之所以能够有第二个伟大的发现一一 创立马克思主义政治经济学,并不仅仅因为他在经济学研究中的努力,而恰恰是由于他进行了哲学方法论上的彻底革命,正是那个“一定的”历史哲学语境,使他在根本上超越了古典经济学。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:496

1. I have already discussed how it is impossible to truly understand Marxist philosophy without understanding Marx’s political economy. Here I would like to also point out that Marx was able to make his second great discovery—the founding of Marxist political economy—not only because of his efforts in the study of economics, but also because he carried out a complete revolution in terms of philosophical methodology. It was precisely the “definite” or “certain” historical philosophical context that allowed him to fundamentally surpass classical economics. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 389.

2. 当然,“施蒂纳”必须把中国和蒙古人等同起来。在黑格尔的著作第140页上甚至提到“蒙古原则”,“施蒂纳”就 是由此造出了“蒙古精神”这个概念。此外,如果他想把蒙古人归入 “唯心主义”这一范畴,那末,他也许能在达赖喇嘛的家业中以及佛教中“找到”与他的破烂“天梯”截然不同的“精神实体”。但他连好好地读读黑格尔的“历史哲学”的功夫也没有!施蒂纳对历史的态度的特殊性和唯一性在于:利己主义者变成了黑格尔的“笨拙的”抄袭者。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:183

2. Of course, has to identify China with the Mongols. In Hegel, on page 140, there even occurs the “Mongolian principle,” from which “Stirner” derived his “Mongolism”? Incidentally, if he really wanted to reduce the Mongols to the category of “idealism”, he could have “found established” in the Dalai-Lama system and Buddhism quite different “spiritual beings” from his fragile “heavenly ladder”? But he did not even have time to look properly at Hegel’s Philosophie der Geschichte. The peculiarity and uniqueness of Stirner’s attitude to history consists in the egoist being transformed into a “clumsy” copier of Hegel. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 170.

3. 他说,活的个人突破历史条件的自发力量所造成的重重障碍而推动事变前进。这些“历史条件”是什么呢?按作者的逻辑,又是另一些“个人”的活动。活的个人突破另一些活的个人所造成的重重障碍而推动事变前进,这是多么深奥的历史哲学呵!为什么把一部分活的个人的活动称作自发的,而对另一部分活的个人又说他们“推动事变”向着预定目标前进呢?显然,在这里要找出什么理论内容来,那几乎是徒劳无益的举动。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:344

3. The living individual, he argues, moves events through a lane of obstacles placed by the elemental forces of historical conditions. And what do these “historical conditions” consist of? According to the author’s logic, they consist in their turn of the actions of other “living individuals.” A profound philosophy of history, is it not? The living individual moves events through a line of obstacles placed by other living individuals! And why are the actions of some living individuals called elemental, while of the actions of others it is said that they “move events” towards previously set aims? It is obvious that to search for any theoretical meaning here would be an almost hopeless undertaking. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 389.


例句 1:
History of philosophy is human existence itself thinking in history.

例句 2:
The article is aimed to make new interpretations on Hu Hong’s philosophy based on the study of Hu Hong’s Historical Philosophy.It is the author’s view that the whole philosophy of Hu Hong is a historical philosophy.

例句 3:





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