

字词 自由自觉的活动


free and self-conscious activity; free and conscious activity


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 53, 164.


马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》 中揭示人的本质特征时使用的术语,指人的有意识、有目的、能动的改造自然的活动。在马克思看来,人的生命活动方式同动物的生命活动方式不同。动物和它的生命活动是直接同一的,动物的生命活动是无意识的本能活动,而人的生命活动则是一种有意识的活动,人使自己的生命活动本身变成了自己的意志和意识的对象。所以马克思认为,人的类特性恰恰就是自由的自觉的活动。正是在这种改造对象世界的活动中,人才真正地证明自己是类存在物。把“自由的自觉的活动”看作人的本质,这是马克思在研究古典经济学劳动价值论的过程中,既运用费尔巴哈的唯物主义原则来克服黑格尔劳动观的思辨性,又运用黑格尔辩证法来克服费尔巴哈人本主义的消极性和直观性所获得的一项直接的成果,它表明马克思这时已认识到了资本主义制度下劳动的雇佣性质,从而找到了异化劳动理论的出发点。但是马克思在这里把劳动看成是一种现实中并不存在的、抽象的理想劳动,并以此作为衡量现实生产劳动的标准,并没有达到对劳动的科学理解。根据成熟的马克思主义著作,人的自由自觉活动就表现在人对外部世界的认识与改造上,它存在于人类历史的每一历史时期之中,并且随着历史发展而发展,随着人的认识和实践能力的提高而发展。(李淮春,1996)


李淮春.马克思主义哲学全书[Z]. 中国人民大学出版社,1996.


1. 所以,在人的生存中,市民社会的自然必然性只是精神主体的史前发展状态,他应该走向全面自觉的自由王国。当然,在社会层面上,这种自由自觉不是通过人类个体得以实现的,只能通过自觉的普遍伦理代表——国家与法得以实现。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:84

1. Therefore, in human existence, the natural inevitability of civil society is only the prehistoric developmental state of spiritual subjectivity; man ought to walk towards the free realm of full self-consciousness. Of course, on a societal level, this freedom and self-consciousness is not realized through human individuals, but can only be realized through State and Law, the representatives of self-conscious, universal ethics. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 53.

2. 虽然马克思此时视作历史本真基础的东西,已经不同于费尔巴哈的生理——伦理活动和自然——情感关系,但当他仍然用“应该”存在的人的本真的“自由自觉的劳动”和“真正的社会关系”(或“社会存在”)为逻辑批判尺度,对现实存在的异化劳动的非人状况进行哲学——伦理学的批判,这种批判在实质上必定是非科学的,因为批判的方法甚至批判的对象都是非历史的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:204

2. Although what Marx viewed as the true foundation of history was no longer Feuerbach’s physiological-ethical activity and natural-emotional relations, his reference to the “free, conscious labor” and “true social relations” (or “social existence”) that “ought” to exist implies that he was still conducting a philosophical-ethical critique of the inhuman, alienated labor that existed in reality. Such a critique cannot help but be unscientific, because both the methods of criticism and the object of the criticism were ahistorical. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 151-152.

3. 根据马克思此时的观点,人是不同于动物和其他生命体的类存在物。一方面马克思承认费尔巴哈所讲的人与动物一样都是自然生命的类,可是另一方面他又着重分析了人与动物族类的不同点,这就是“有意识的生命活动”,即自由自觉的活动是人的生命活动特性之显现。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:219

3. In Marx’s opinion, humans are distinct from animals and other living things. On the one hand, Marx concedes Feuerbach’s assertion that humans, like animals, are species of natural life, though on the other hand, Marx emphasizes the differences between humans and animals, which Marx summarizes as “conscious life activity.” For Marx, free, conscious activity is a manifestation of life-activity. This is the unique species-essence of man. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 164.


例句 1:
Marx’s critique of alienated labor is based on such a premise: the emphasis on gattungswesen of human’s free and self-conscious activity.

例句 2:
The achievement of the essence of technology is based on the achievement of nature of human. Then, the human’s category standard is “Free and conscious activity” as well as the essence of technology is “to achieve the total liberty of people in the relationship between mankind and natural”.

例句 3:
The viewpoints, between that free and conscious activities is “the essence of people” and that the nature of people’s reality is “the sum of all social relations”, are not a contradiction. The emphasis is that practical ability has the formation to the ontological significance, rather than deny that the free and conscious activity is the essence of man.





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