

字词 自私自利


self-interest; selfishness


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 172.
[2] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 0) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1977: 260.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 212.






1. 因此,犹太人的一神教,在其现实性上是许多需要的多神教,一种连厕所也成为神律的对象的多神教。实际需要、利己主义是市民社会的原则;只要市民社会完全从自身产生出政治国家,这个原则就赤裸裸地显现出来。实际需要和自私自利的神就是金钱。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:448

1. The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in a pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 172.

2. 首先我们揭破了马基雅弗利主义者的政策,这种政策由于它在德国国内的基础已经动摇,就力图麻痹民主力量,转移人们的视线,把革命的狂涛巨浪引向另一方面,制造对国内进行压迫的武器;为了这种目的,它挑起了自私自利的、与德国人的世界主义性格相反的对其他民族的仇恨,并且在各民族之间的空前残酷和无比野蛮的战争中建立了一种甚至在三十年战争中都没有过的黩武主义。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:235

2. From the very first moment we saw through the machiavellian policy which, shaking in its foundations in the interior of Germany, sought to paralyse democratic energies, to deflect attention from itself, to dig conduits for the fiery lava of the revolution and forge the weapon of suppression within the country by calling forth a narrow-minded national hatred which runs counter to the cosmopolitan character of the Germans, and in national wars of unheard-of atrocity and indescribable barbarity trained a brutal soldiery such as could hardly be found even in the Thirty Years’ War. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 212.

3. 反对自私自利的资本主义的自发倾向,提倡以集体利益和个人利益相结合的原则为一切言论行动的标准的社会主义精神,是使分散的小农经济逐步地过渡到大规模合作化经济的思想的和政治的保证。——《毛泽东文集(第六卷)》,1999:450

3. To oppose spontaneous tendencies towards capitalism which is characterized by selfishness and to foster the socialist spirit which postulates the principle of integrating collective interest with individual interest as the criterion for judging all words and deeds - these are the ideological and political guarantees for the gradual transition from a scattered small peasant economy to a large-scale cooperative economy. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 5), 1977: 260-261.


例句 1:
黄宗羲的人性论存在着“自私自利”与“性善论”两大论题。——“‘自私自利’与‘纯乎天理’—— 黄宗羲人性论的政治学分析”,载于《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2013年第6期
Selfishness and The Theory of Good Nature were two main themes in Huang Zongxi’s theory of humanity.

例句 2:
On the other hand, human rights lead to the imprisonment of the self in its own world due to the selfishness and harm the completeness of the political state.

例句 3:
Wealth egoism is a moral value, the kernel of which is self-interest-oriented possession of material wealth.





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