

字词 思维的非至上性


non-sovereignty of thinking


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:188.
[2] 思维的非至上性.via:http://gongjushu.cnki.net/refbook/detail.aspx?db=crfd&RECID=R2011060170005381




[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第三卷)[M].人民出版社,1995.
[2] 吴仁平,赖亦明,王玲玲.马克思、恩格斯哲学经典著作解读[M].电子科技大学出版社,2014.
[3] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.


1. 阿多诺说,唯心主义哲学家们不会想到,“正是由于把精神规定为一种活动,才内在地迫使哲学从精神走向精神的他者(Anderem)。前面的讨论中我们已经知道,这个“他者”实际上就是精神想摆脱而又无法真正摆脱的现实社会历史起源。也因此,在费希特那里,“只有当自我本身也是非我时,自我才对非我做出反应,才‘做'某种事情。只有这样,‘做’(das Tun)才是思维”。没有对象,主体即是虚元,只有面对对象支配对象,才会构成主体,支配活动本身才有可能被精神化和本体化。这是黑格尔的绝对观念和海德格尔抽象地功能化理解的存在的秘密。阿多诺认为,也由此,思维如果总是在自身本体性的生成建构中包含异己的对象,这就必然“破除了思维高于它的他者的至上性”,包括作为“一切活动的最高抽象——先验的功能——不应具有先于实际起源的优先地位”,这就恰恰打破了唯心主义本身的第一性原则。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:71

1. Adorno says, the idealists neglect the fact that “it is the mind’s definition as an activity which immanently compels philosophy to pass from the mind to its otherness.” As mentioned in the above discussion, the “other” actually originates the real social history that the mind attempts to rid but fails in vain. Therefore, with Fichte, “only if the I on its part is also not I does it react to the not-I. Only then does it ‘do’ something. Only then would the doing (das Tun) itself be making.” Without object, the subject turns into nothingness; only in face of the object and in domination of the object, the subject is constructed, its ruling activity becoming mental and ontological. This is the secret accounting for the genesis of Hegel’s absolute concept and Heidegger’s abstract and functional interpretation of being. Adorno hence believes that thinking breaks the supremacy of thinking over its otherness, because thinking always is otherness already, within itself. Hence the supreme abstraction of all activity, the transcendental function, does not deserve to be ranked above the factual geneses. This precisely breaks the primacy principle of idealism itself. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 108-109.


例句 1:
In the process of criticizing Duhring, concept on truth of metaphysical absolutism, Engles scientifically expounded the dialectical relationships between supremacy and non-supremacy, absolute truth and relative truth, and the truth and falsity. And he made an active contribution to the formation of the truth of Marxist philosophy.

例句 2:
Scientific scepsis is essentially different from skepticism, because scientific scepsis is not only a method, but also a kind of spirit. Scientific scepsis is a dialectical and critical method, which is a concrete reflection of negating spirit. Scientific scepsis integrates supremacy and non-supremacy of people's thinking. First, scientific scepsis is good to the full play of conscious activity and pushes forward the development of epistemology. Secondly, scientific scepsis is an effective way to resolve scientific problems and define the scientific theory. Finally, scientific sceps





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