

字词 自决权




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 110.


自决权是“民族自决权”的简称,原来是指被压迫民族有脱离异民族统治的国家而分离成为独立国家的权利,今指任何民族都有权根据民族意志和愿望决定自己的命运的自由权利。自决权是马克思列宁主义处理民族问题的重要原则,它由列宁于1896年7月在社会主义工人党和工会在伦敦举行的国际代表大会中首次提出。列宁认为,被压迫民族应该联合起来反对帝国主义、殖民主义、霸权主义,排除外来干涉, 自己决定自己命运,直至建立独立的民族国家。列宁的这个观点反映了时代的要求,因为在帝国主义大国不断加紧压迫世界各民族的时代,只有民族问题应该和殖民地附属国问题联系起来,才能使得被压迫民族摆脱帝国主义的压迫,建立独立的民族国家。其实早在十七世纪和十八世纪,民族自决权就已经作为资产阶级民主革命的内容和口号被提出出来,其目的是反对的是封建专制和民族压迫。到了帝国主义阶段,民族自决权成为反对资本大国殖民统治的主要内容和口号,与民族解放运动相联系,使不少被压迫的民族,从帝国主义殖民体系中分离出来,成立民族独立国家。“事实上,依据民族自决的原则所达到的各民族民主的、自愿的、平等的集中和联合,比分散和成立小国,更有利于民族的经济、政治和文化发展。运用民族自决权,必须根据各国的国情和具体的历史条件和民族特点。”(金炳华,2003:314)




1. 列宁支持民族自决权,但他让这一权利受制于一些最终使它在实践中归于消灭的条件。列宁在他最初的一处相关表述中写道:从我们的角度来说,我们这样做所关心的并不是各民族的自决权,而是每个民族的无产阶级的自决权……而支持民族自治要求,则绝不是无产阶级经常性和纲领性的职责。只是在个别的、特殊的情况下,这种支持才是无产阶级所必需的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:102

1. Lenin supported the right of national self-determination: but he subjected this right to conditions which eventually led to its extinction in practice. In one of his earliest formulations, Lenin wrote: We on our part concern ourselves with the self-determination of the proletariat in each nationality rather than with self-determination of peoples or nations ... As to support of the demand for national autonomy, it is by no means a permanent and binding part of the programme of the proletariat. This support may become necessary for it only in isolated and exceptional cases. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 110.

2. 事实上,他几乎比当时所有其他社会民主党领袖都更强烈地表示赞成民族自决原则,但他从未谈论过爱国主义或者“民族”文化。(在1914年12月的“论大俄罗斯人的民族自豪感”一文中,他似乎赋予大俄罗斯民族文化一种内在的价值,这必须看作一个例外,也许是受一种强烈的欲求支配,他渴望表明:布尔什维克当时在对待战争上并不完全是反俄的。)在列宁看来,民族自治问题纯粹是个策略问题,因为自决权始终服从于党的利益。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:102

2. Indeed, he expressed himself more forcibly in favour of the principle of national self-determination than almost any other social democratic leader of the time. But he had no time for talk of patriotism or ‘national’ culture. (His artic1e of December 1914 ‘On the National Pride of the Great-Russians’, where he seems to attribute an intrinsic worth to a Great-Russian national culture, must be viewed as an exception, possibly influenced by the desire to show that the Bolsheviks were not completely anti-Russian in their attitude to the war.) For Lenin, the question of national autonomy was purely one of tactics, for self-determination was always subordinate to the Party's interest. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 111.

3. 当时,布尔什维克正陷入既要同外国现政府谈判,又须扶植当地革命事业的尴尬境地。正如列宁在他关于布列斯特-立托夫斯克和约的《提纲》中写道的“如果不违背马克思主义和一般社会主义的原则,任何一个马克思主义者都不能否认社会主义的利益高于民族自决权的利益。”——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:103

3. The Bolsheviks were caught in the uneasy dilemma of having to negotiate with existing governments while fostering the cause of revolution abroad. In his Theses on the Brest-Litovsk peace, for example, he wrote that ‘no Marxist without renouncing the principles of Marxism and of socialism generally, can deny that the interests of socialism are higher than the interests of the right of nations to self-determination’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 112.


例句 1:
The first is confusing self-determination in the sense of constitutional government with self-determination in the sense of international law.

例句 2:
Rights of self-determination and human rights belong to different systems of rights, with different properties and functions.

例句 3:
The right to self-determination might conflict with state sovereignty, which should be settled by negotiation.





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