

字词 自力更生


self-sufficiency; self-reliance


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 135.
[2] Deng Xiaoping. Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1994: 14.






1. 内战一结束,托洛茨基倡导建立在经济孤立主义基础之上的政策就非常接近一国社会主义。而斯大林到1925年表述的观点仍可看成是回复到托洛茨基1920年倡导的自力更生的观点。只是到了1926年,托洛茨基才对斯大林的观点提出挑战,尽管季诺维也夫挑战斯大林还要早得多。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:126

1. With the end of the Civì1 War, Trotsky advocated policies based on economic isolation which were very close to Socialism in One Country: Stalin's views as expressed in 1925 can be seen as a regression to the self-sufficiency that Trotsky had been advocating in 1920. It was not unti1 1926 that Trotsky chal1enged Stalin’s position, although Zinoviev had done so much ear1ier. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 135.

2. 实践告诉我们,自力更生是中华民族自立于世界民族之林的奋斗基点,自主创新是我们攀登世界科技高峰的必由之路。问题看到了,就要以时不我待的精神,快马加鞭改变这个局面。不能说了很多年,最后老是没有根本改变。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:122

2. Facts prove that it is self-sufficiency that has enabled the Chinese nation to stand among the world’s independent nations, and independent innovation is the only path to the summit of science and technology. With this understanding, we should waste no time in making a difference. We cannot keep on talking year in and year out but do nothing about making a drastic change. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 135.

3. 中国的事情要按照中的情况来办,要依靠中国人自己的力量来办。独立自主,自力更生,无论过去、现在和将来,都是我们的立足点。中国人民珍惜同其他国家和人民的友谊和合作,更加珍惜自己经过长期奋斗而得来的独立自主的权利。任何外国不要指望中国做他们的附庸,不要指望中国会吞下损害我国利益的苦果。我们坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,在平等互利的基础上积极扩大对外交流。同时,我们保持清醒的头脑,坚决抵制外来腐朽思想的侵蚀,决不允许资产阶级生活方式在我国泛滥。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:3

3. China’s affairs should be run according to China’s specific conditions and by the Chinese people themselves. Independence and self-reliance have always been and will always be their basic stand. While the Chinese people value their friendship and cooperation with other countries and other peoples, they value even more their hard-won independence and sovereign rights. No foreign country should expect China to be its vassal or to accept anything that is damaging to China’s own interests. We shall unswervingly follow a policy of opening up to the outside world and increase our exchanges with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. At the same time, we shall keep clear heads, firmly resist corruption by decadent ideas from abroad and never permit the bourgeois way of life to spread in our country. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 14.


例句 1:
He clearly put forward the diplomatic thoughts of independence and self-sufficiency, and accurately accounted for the relationship between self-reliance and foreign support.

例句 2:
The self-reliance spirit still plays an important role in promoting socialist economic construction, in the development of science and technology as well as in the inheritance of national characteristics of Chinese culture in contemporary China.

例句 3:
Nationality means firm political orientation, scientificity lies in the Party’s ideological lines, affinity to the people is embodied in serving the people heart and soul, and creativity finds expression in entrepreneur spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle.





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