

字词 禁欲主义




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 309.




[1] 禁欲主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=91JPG3kLqMyKvjtb_fVnskPNkpK4euFP_BM4GUSxVzdvz14vINybsslm76jXPyqRHAsxP04LQniAcygk1j0t6_
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 这门关于惊人的勤劳的科学,同时也是关于禁欲主义的科学,而它的真正理想是禁欲的但进行重利盘剥的吝啬鬼和禁欲的但进行生产的奴隶。它的道德理想就是把自己的一部分工资存入储蓄所的工人,而且它甚至为了它喜爱的这个理想发明了一种奴才的艺术。人们怀着感伤的情绪把这些搬上舞台。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:135

1. This science of marvellous industry is simultaneously the science of asceticism, and its true ideal is the ascetic but extortionate miser and the ascetic but productive slave. Its moral ideal is the worker who takes part of his wages to the savings-bank, and it has even found ready-made a servile art which embodies this pet idea: it has been presented, bathed in sentimentality, on the stage. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 309.

2. 但是,如果如同上面所举的印度禁欲主义的例子—— 一开始就根据它的本质把理性的体系设想为部分性的体系,如果包围着理性体系、并限定它的范围的非理性世界(因此,在这种情况下,一方面是不配理性化的世俗的、经验的人的存在,另一方面是人的理性的概念不能把握的彼岸,即解脱的世界)被设想为独立于它的,设想为结对屈从于它或绝对凌驾于它之上的,那末对于理住体系本身来说,决不会产生方法论的问题。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:181

2. However, when—as in the case of Hindu asceticism—the rational system is conceived of as a partial system from the outset, when the irrational world which surrounds and delimits it—(in this case the irrational world comprises both the earthly existence of man which is unworthy of rationalization and also the next world, that of salvation, which human, rational concepts cannot grasp)—is represented as independent of it, as unconditionally inferior or superior to it, this ‘creates no technical problem for the rational system itself. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 256.


例句 1:
The sexual ethical outlook of early Christianity was asceticism, the main points of which were view of sex as sinful, view of celibacy as superior to marriage, and sex-for-reproduction legacy. In contrast, the sexual ethical outlook of Taoism in the Eastern Han and Jin Dynasties was non-asceticism, the basic viewpoints of which were regarding sex as natural, regarding marriage as a virtue, and valuing sexual health preservation and sexual energy cultivation.

例句 2:
The Christian asceticism was the major reason leading to the “dark times” of the development of sport in Europe in Middle Ages.

例句 3:
By expounding and analyzing ideas of asceticism consumption ethics, hedonism consumption ethics and frugal consumption ethics, the authors point out neither asceticism nor hedonism can make society develop soundly.





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