

字词 社会沙文主义 

社会沙文主义 【英】

social chauvinism


Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 288.






1. 随着世界大战的爆发,随着国内战争的发生,这个过去的“理论”问题变成了非常迫切的实际问题。提织部题变成了政局策略之一。孟什维主义的问题成了对无产阶级革命生命攸关的问题。帝国主义资产阶级在1914年动员时期对整个第二国际轻易取得胜利,并且能够在大战期间扩大和巩固这一胜利,不可能被理解为 “不幸”或者只是“背叛”的后果等。如果革命的工人运动想要从这一失败中恢复过来,并旦甚至把这一失败变成为未来胜利战斗的基础,那么它就绝对必须联系工人运动的历史来考察这一失败,这一“背叛”:那对就必须承认社会沙文主义和绥靖主义等乃是机会主义的逻辑延伸。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:378

1. With the outbreak of the World War, with the emergence of the civil war this quondam ‘theoretical’ question became a burn-issue in practice. The problem of organisation was concerted into of political tactics. The problem of Menshevism became the crucial issue for the proletarian revolution. The walkover victory gained by the imperialist bourgeoisie over the whole of the Second International in the period of mobilisation in 1914, and the fact that this victory could be extended and consolidated during the World War, cannot possibly be understood as a ‘misfortune’ or as the inevitable consequence of ‘betrayal’. If the revolutionary worker’s movement wished to recover from this defeat and even turn it into the foundation of the victorious battles still to come it was absolutely essential for it to see this failure, this ‘betrayal' in the context of the history of the workers’ movement; social chauvinism and pacifism, etc., would have then to be recognised as logical extensions of opportunism. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 287-288.


例句 1:
Hence, this thesis aims at illustrating an outlet through which those women can turn to women when facing the patriarchal oppression. To put it in a specific way, the writer adopts the lesbian criticism to the studies of the relationships between the heroine Celie and her husband's lover Shug.

例句 2:
Plekhanov, the leader and founder of Russian Social——Democratic Workers’ Party, was one of The Second Internation leaders and one of the first Marxism  revolutionists and ideologues. But later he became a person known with denial for his falling into opportunism and preaching up chauvinism.

例句 3:
虽然后来普列汉诺夫在政治上堕入机会主义甚至鼓吹社会沙文主义,是一个十分复杂并且有争议的人物,但是他一生致力于马克思主义理论的研究和著述,即使在国外流亡的 37 年(1880年~1917 年)里,他也从未中断过研究和宣传马克思主义哲学理论。——《普列汉诺夫社会历史观研究》,河北师范大学博士学位论文,2014
Although later in the political fall of opportunism, even advocated that social chauvinism, Is a very complex and controversial figure. And the study of works but he devoted his life to Marx theory. Exile even abroad 37 years (1880~1917). He has never stopped





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