

字词 福山


Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama


Francis Fukuyama. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Fukuyama


弗兰西斯·福山,毕业于哈佛大学,曾担任美国国务院思想库副主任。其主要著作是《历史的终结》。福山认为,西方自由主义的自由民主可能形成“人类意识形态进步的终点”与“人类统治的最后形态”,也因此而构成历史的终结。(弗兰西斯·福山,1998:1)他认为,资本主义制度是人类所能找到的最好的社会组织模式,社会历史发展到资本主义可能将不会再发展,因为从美国独立战争、法国大革命确立的人类社会的民主自由的基本原则、西方的自由主义等可能成为人类解决所有问题的最好的原则。自由主义就是经济上实行资本主义,政治上限制政府的权力,让人民有充分的自由。(福山. via: http://book.duxiu.com/peopleDetail.jsp?dxid=061000829486&d=1BB2E9443F7CCC683ACBB4557E243D7E )福山的历史终结论,代表的是一种新保守主义的文化思潮,以“回归黑格尔”为口号,主张普世主义的文化哲学,反对马克思及其创立的共产主义学说。福山认为人类的历史是一个从原始社会组织到封建贵族制再到民主共和政府的发展过程,虽然其中的发展会有曲折和反复,但总的方向是在发展,也就是说人类有一种普遍的历史,社会的发展趋向于均质化。福山声称,现代资本主义社会制度,是按照普世主义的自由民主理念,使奴隶也能获得自由并达到“均质化”社会的唯一实现道路。但中国特色社会主义的发展使福山重新认为西方的自由民主可能并非人类历史进化的终点,“历史终结论”有待进一步推敲和完善。(潘德斌等,2012:154)福山肯定了西方社会文化中的一些消极问题甚至一些不平等因素的存在。但他的“历史终结论”,所表达的不过是现代资产阶级的“精英主义”或“主人意识”,以及现代西方资产阶级关于“西方文化


[1] 弗兰西斯·福山.历史的终结[M].远方出版社,1998.
[2] 福山.2001,via:
[3] 潘德斌等.中国模式·理想形态及改革路径[M].广东人民出版社,2012.
[4] 马林韬.西方自由主义文化的哲学解谱(第三部)[M].社会科学文献出版社,2012.


1. 如果我们接受这种推理方法,就会把诸如福山(Fukuyama)的“历史终结论”这样的思想斥为一厢情愿的想法。自由主义一资产阶级民主从未取得最终的胜利,恰如福山声称的那样,它在苏联帝国崩溃后只是获得了暂时的优势,从而激起了进步目的的新接合所提出的挑战。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:44

1. If we accept this line of reasoning, then ideas such as Fukuyama’s ‘end of history’ can be dismissed as so much wishful thinking. Liberal-bourgeois democracy never finally triumphs, as Fukuyama claims it has in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet empire, it just gains a temporary ascendancy which invites challenge by new articulations of progressive intent. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 28.

2. 德里达在很大程度上以拉克劳和墨菲的方式,为“新国际”(“激进民主政治”的另一个名称)的建立提出了辩护,明确拒绝了弗朗西斯·福山《历史的终结和最后的人》一书的反马克思主义情绪:因为必须大声呼吁一种“新国际”,尤其是在有人以自由民主制度的理想的名义——这种理想自诩最终将是人类历史的理想—无耻地宣传新福音之际。那种新福音声称,地球和人类历史上的所有人类永远不会承受暴力、不平等、排斥、饥饿以及由此而来的经济压迫的影响。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:59

2. Much in the style of Laclau and Mouffe, Derrida makes a case for the development of a ‘New International’ (a ‘radical democratic politics’ by any other name), and is unequivocal in his rejection of the anti-Marxist sentiments of Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man:For it must be cried out, at a time when some have the audacity to neo-evangelize in the name of the ideal of a liberal democracy that has finally realized itself as the ideal of human history: never have violence, inequality, exclusion, famine, and thus economic oppression affected as many human beings in the history of the earth and of humanity. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 38.

3. 因此,马克思的遗产必须得到捍卫,但是必须从一种后马克思主义的视角进行桿卫。当然,无论德里达多么尽力地反驳福山的新保守主义胜利论——共产主义作为一种全球力量已经死亡,“复数的”马克思对经典马克思主义的世界观几乎不可能提供什么支持。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:180-181

3. Marx’s legacy is to be defended, therefore, but from a perspective that must be deemed post-Marxist. Certainly, a plural Marx offers little that is supportive to a classical Marxist world-view, no matter how much energy Derrida may expend in demolishing Fukuyama’s neoconservative triumphalism over the death of communism as a global political force. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 115.


例句 1:
Fukuyama's The End of History is one of the last century's most controversial post- Cold War trend,reflections caused countless scholars, making it a hot topic of disc- ussion twenty-first century political philosophy and philosophy of history.

例句 2:
In 1989, Francis Fukuyama published an article named “the End of History?” on the American journal National Interest expressing his idea that western liberal democracy has put an end to the development of human social system and human ideology.

例句 3:
Communism into a downturn, the western industrial countries with comparative advantage of liberal democracy, plus the advanced market economy operating mechanism and the progress of science and technology is changing the pattern of the world, forming a roaring waves of globalization, it seemed to mark the total collapse of the socialist and Communist, some intellectuals explore the Marx doctrine to where to go, there





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