

字词 民主原则


democratic principle(s)


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 38) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1982: 464.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 许崇德.中华法学大辞典 宪法学卷[Z].中国检察出版社,1995.


1. 组织作战,无论在共和派营垒还是在保皇派营垒中都只能以强制为基础。从来还没有一个人在同有纪律和指挥良好的士兵作战时,能依靠政治热情,依靠想象的神奇的起义部队而取得一次开阔地的战役的胜利。军事上的热情只有在取得一系列的胜利以后才会出现。为了取得这些胜利,最初除了严格的铁的纪律以外,没有更好的基础。民主原则比在国家的内部组织中更加充分地运用于军队之中,只有在革命胜利以后才有可能。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十七卷)》,1972:366

1. In the republican, no less than in the royalist, camp organisation for war can only be based on compulsion. No pitched battle has ever been won by political enthusiasm or fantastically bedizened volunteers against disciplined and well-led soldiers. Military enthusiasm only sets in after a series of successes. —Initially there can be no better basis for such successes than the iron rigour of discipline. In armies, even more so than in the internal organisation of a country, democratic principles can only apply after the victory of the revolution. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 38), 1982: 464.

2. 世界的命运必须由各国人民共同掌握。各国主权范围内的事情只能由本国政府和人民去管,世界上的事情只能由各国政府和人民共同商量来办。这是处理国际事务的民主原则,国际社会应该共同遵守。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:274

2. The destiny of the world must be left in the hands of the peoples of all countries. Matters that fall within the sovereign rights of a country should be managed only by the government and people of that country. And affairs of the world should be addressed by the governments and peoples of all countries through consultation. Herein lines the democratic principle for the handling of international affairs which should be universally observed. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 300.

3. 这些条件是:(一)惩办战争罪犯;(二)废除伪宪法;(三)废除伪法统;(四)依据民主原则改编一切反动军队;(五)没收官僚资本;(六)改革土地制度;(七)废除卖国条约;(八)召开没有反动分子参加的政治协商会议,成立民主联合政府,接收南京国民党反动政府及其所属各级政府的一切权力。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1389

3. (1) Punish the war criminals;(2) Abolish the bogus constitution;(3) Abolish the bogus “constituted authority”;(4) Reorganize all reactionary troops on democratic principles;(5) Confiscate bureaucrat-capital;(6) Reform the land system;(7) Abrogate treasonable treaties;(8) Convene a political consultative conference without the participation of reactionary elements, and form a democratic coalition government to take over all the powers of the reactionary Nanking Kuomintang government and of its subordinate governments at all levels. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1961: 318.


例句 1:
On this basis, we should make further confirmation whether application of analogical method is opposite to Taxation Law, whether it is contradictory to the principle of democracy and stability of law. We should analyze how to apply application of analogical method to the different components in tax law.

例句 2:
The principle of budget democracy is not only one of the fundamental principles of budget law, but also the first and core principle and the foundation of other principles of budget law, having a guiding meaning on various steps such as budget formation, examining and approving, and implementing.

例句 3:
The second is about the form of procedure of the inner-Party democracy, which includes conference, election and supervisor. The third is to carry out the principle rules of the inner-Party democracy.





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