

字词 判决性实验 

判决性实验 【英】

crucial experiment; ; critical experiment


[2]Experimentum crucis. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimentum_crucis


判决性实验 “一般指能够决定性地判决相互对立的两个假说或理论中的一个为‘真’而另一个为‘假’的实验。最初由F·培根提出。他把判决性实验比作在交叉路口树立的‘指路牌’,指出这种实验能在两个相互竞争的假说之间起到裁决作用。之后,赫舍尔把判决性实验看作是具有可接受性假说或理论所必须经受的一种实验。在现代,逻辑实证主义认为,凡反驳了n-1个对立的理论并证明了第n个理论的实验是判决性实验;证伪主义认为,凡起证伪作用的实验是判决性实验;历史主义则认为,理论总是与许多辅助性假说一起接受检验,否定的实验结果不能证伪一个特定的理论,所谓判决性实验是不存在的。辩证唯物主义主张,对于判决性实验,不仅应当从逻辑上,而且应当把它与当时社会历史条件下的科学实践水平以及它所产生的实际影响联系起来进行考察,认为最终的、一劳永逸地宣布证实一个理论而否证另一个理论的判决性实验是不存在的,而在一定历史条件下对相互竞争的理论所起到的相对的、暂时的、局部的判决性作用的实验是存在的。科学史上的‘判决性实验’,大体上有两类。一类是在新理论尚未出现前,人们按照原有理论的逻辑思想进行实验设计。得出了与原来预期不符的结果,而这种结果获得了以后出现的新理论的合乎逻辑的解释。这类实验的决定性意义在于它们深刻地暴露了旧理论的内在矛盾,同时又对新理论的产生和巩固有一定的启发作用和增强信心的作用。另一类是在新理论出现以后,新理论预言了一些与原有理论不同或原有理论没有预料的新现象,人们为了检验新理论的预言而设计的实验”(金炳华等,2001:1082)。这类实验在新旧理论之间起了判决作用。




1. 实际上倒不如说是这样:正因为哲学过去只是事物现状的超验的、抽象的表现,正由于它自己的这种超验性和抽象性,由于它在想像中独立于世界之外,所以它一定要幻想它高高地超越于事物的现状和现实的人之上;另一方面,因为哲学过去并没有真正独立于世界之外,所以它也就未能对世界做出任何真正的判决,未能对世界使用任何真正的鉴别力,也就是说,未能实际地干预事物的进程,而至多只是不得不满足于inabstracto(抽象形式的)实践。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:49

1. However, it seems rather that philosophy, precisely because it was only the transcendent, abstract expression of the actual state of things, by reason of its transcendentalism and abstraction, by reason of its imaginary difference from the world, must have imagined it had left the actual state of things and real human beings far below itself. On the other hand, it seems that because philosophy was not really different from the world it could not pronounce any real judgment on it, it could not bring any real differentiating force to bear on it and could therefore not interfere practically, but had to be satisfied at most with a practice in abstracto. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 40.

2. 不论是在其苏联的形式(共产主义)中还是在其西方的形式(福利国家)中,拉克劳认为中央计划作为一种社会实验已经失败,并且他能够引用共产主义的终结和西方民主国家新保守主义的崛起作为决定性的证据。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:68

2. Whether in its Soviet (communist) or Western (welfare state) form, centralised planning is held to have failed as a social experiment, and Laclau can cite the end of Eastern European communism and the rise of neo-conservatism in the Western democracies as conclusive evidence for his thesis. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 44.


例句 1:
“判决性实验”(crucial experiment)是指能够决定性地判决相互竞争假说或理论“真”“假”的实验,它涉及到实践对理论检验的问题。——《科学认识中的“判决性实验”研究》,广西师范大学硕士学位论文,2009
“Crucial experiment” is able to adjudge the hypothesis or theory crucially “correct” and “wrong”, if the hypothesis or theory is to compete mutually.

例句 2:
So far there is no certainty about the problem if the Crucial Test can exist. There are different views in the scientific structure of scientists, in methodology and in the treatment of the scientific theory of crisis among different factions, which lead to bring difference about the recognition of the Crucial Test. With the continuous development of science, the internal structure of scientific theories are changing  more refined, the Crucial Test is in the large-scale development of science, where it is going to deserves our attention. In addition, how the Crucial Test play the effect of the judgment, in actual operation, what the conditions it need, we need to study and analysis.

例句 3:
贝尔不等式提出至今已经有了许多相应的检验实验,这些实验被称为是对矛盾双方进行抉择的“判决性实验”—— 《科学哲学视角下的EPR悖论研究》,华中科技大学博士学位论文,2010
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