

字词 道德哲学


ethics; moral philosophy


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:707.
[2] Moral philosophy. via: http://moralphilosophy.info/


亦称伦理学,是是研究道德的产生、发展、本质、评价、作用以及道德教育、道德修养规律的学说等的哲学分支。道德哲学可划分为元伦理学,规范伦理学,应用伦理学。道德哲学以道德现象为研究对象,不仅包括道德意识现象(如个人的道德情感等),而且包括道德活动现象(如道德行为等)以及道德规范现象等。道德哲学将道德现象从人类的实际活动中抽分开来,探讨道德的本质、起源和发展、道德水平同物质生活水平之间的关系、道德的最高原则和道德评价的标准、道德规范体系、道德的教育和修养、人的价值、生活态度等问题(伦理学.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E4%BC%A6%E7%90%86%E5%AD%A6)。道德哲学所研究的道德,作为社会意识形态之一,它是通过一定社会经济关系为基础的社会物质生活条件来反映的。其中最重要的是道德与经济利益、物质生活的关系、个人利益与整体利益的关系问题。对这些问题的不同回答,形成了不同的甚至相互对立的伦理学派别。根据黑格尔和阿多诺对苏格拉底的论述,在西方道德哲学史上,苏格拉底是道德哲学的创立者。“在西方哲学传统中,他赋予了道德哲学、伦理学的真正创立者的角色”(阿多诺,2007:223)。马克思主义将道德作为社会历史现象加以研究,着重研究道德现象中的带有普遍性和根本性的问题,从中揭示道德的发展规律。马克思主义道德哲学建立在历史唯物主义基础之上,强调阶级社会中道德的阶级性及道德实践在道德发展中的意义(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=LOxceVhn9tE5qhI__D-3nXIM-A8x2V-Uir4rX7YomYFefOFjYGOKYJZ5aKC8cKEZD7kKdQdfS8_BlW2_UETJbL6AuPtChAVoxGid44pgLrC)。


[1] 阿多诺.道德哲学的问题[M].谢地坤,王彤译.人民出版社, 2007.
[2] 伦理学.via:
[3] 伦理学.via:


1. 鲍德里亚认为,自然概念正是全部西方启蒙思想中的核心价值观,或者叫“启蒙的道德哲学”。他说,马克思的确也意识到要打破资产阶级自然观的神话,并且必须打破由这种神话支撑的唯心主义人类学。可是,落实到行动上,马克思只是“部分地打破了大写自然的神话”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:227

1. To Baudrillard, the concept of nature is the core of the whole Western Enlightenment thought, or the moral philosophy of the Enlightenment. He says that Marx wanted to break the myth of the capitalist conception of nature along with the idealistic anthropology sustained by this myth, but lost the name of action, and only partially dislocated the myth of Nature. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 304.

2. 这样,我们就要从沙赫迪斯(Charybdisr)的观点转向了西沙(Scylla)的观点,因为需要本身是无法界定的,在最低限度的生存意义上理解需要是十分武断的,它没有严格的经济正当性,而且直接来自于道德哲学,在明显对立的意义上,我们重新虚构了产生于多余和人为的道德概念(以及从自我保存的本能出发的功能主义观点)。——《生产之镜》,2005:59-60

2. But this is to fall from Charybdis to Scylla, since needs themselves are an undefined function and it is completely arbitrary to arrest them at the threshold of a basic minimum of survival, which has no strict economic justification and derives directly from moral philosophy: from a distinct opposition we have reinvented starting from a moral conception of the superfluous and the article (and from the functionalist vision of the instinct for self-preservation). -Quoted from The Mirror of Production, 1975: 76.

3. 精练教义的神学家或推敲康德道德哲学的哲学家也有助于进步,当然这种进步仅对与他们共有前提的群体而言。没有一个创造性的学派会认为有一类工作一方面是创造性的成功,另一方面却对这个群体的集体成就无所增益。——《科学革命的结构》,2003:163

3. The theologian who articulates dogma or the philosopher who refines the Kantian imperatives contributes to progress, if only to that of the group that shares his premises. No creative school recognizes a category of work that is, on the one hand, a creative success, but is not, on the other, an addition to the collective achievement of the group. -Quoted from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970: 162.


例句 1:
Kant’s moral philosophy is the core of its ideological system, and the practical reason he proposed is even the highest use of reason for a rational being, at the same time he also believes that practical rationality is an important possibility of generalization of morality.

例句 2:
麦金太尔(Alasdair MacIntyre)是美国当代最有影响的道德哲学家之一。他对现代西方道德哲学所展开的系统而深入的批评吸引了中西方学者的广泛关注。——《麦金太尔对现代西方道德哲学的批评》,清华大学硕士学位论文,2006
Alasdair MacIntyre is a leading contemporary moral philosopher, whose systematic and deep critiques on modern western moral philosophy have drawn many scholars’ attention.

例句 3:
The core of Socrates’s philosophy lies in his moral philosophy, and Socrates’s life is about thinking and practicing his moral philosophy.





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