

字词 马克思主义者




Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 505.


马克思主义是关于全世界无产阶级和全人类彻底解放的学说,是马克思、恩格斯在批判地继承和吸收人类关于自然科学、思维科学、社会科学优秀成果的基础上于19世纪40年代创立的,并在实践中不断地丰富、发展和完善的无产阶级思想的科学体系(马克思主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=sjrAItQ6RanJPxyIpo_KnT4_xAwxMecTCEc2b6YDwTA7ONgG3UQ5nnVPGP-_UkFR7826PzN3gHB58V7XUvMgmK - 1)。马克思主义者是一个包含非常丰富内涵和非常广泛外延的术语。自马克思主义诞生以来,从西方到东方,所有坚持马克思主义、运用马克思主义分析现实问题的学者都可自诩为或被称为马克思主义学者,他们包括马克思、恩格斯、列宁等马克思主义经典作家,也包括其后在各个国家各个地区把马克思主义进一步发展的马克思主义者,如西方马克思主义者、中国马克思主义者等等。在我国,马克思主义者就是始终坚持用马克思主义及马克思主义中国化最新理论成果武装头脑,自觉把马克思主义和共产主义作为自己一贯的政治信仰和价值追求,在实践中牢固树立和自觉运用马克思主义的立场观点方法的人(认真学习贯彻习近平系列重要讲话精神用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装头脑.via: http://news.eastday.com/eastday/13news/auto/news/csj/u7ai266815_K4.html)。中国共产党是以马克思主义为指导思想和行动指南的政党,中国共产党党员是中国工人阶级有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士。


[1] 马克思主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=sjrAItQ6RanJPxyIpo_KnT4_xAwxMecTCEc2b6YDwTA7ONgG3UQ5nnVPGP-_UkFR7826PzN3gHB58V7XUvMgmK - 1
[2] 认真学习贯彻习近平系列重要讲话精神用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装头脑.via:


1. 马克思主义者对这些问题的提法应该和民粹派先生们的一贯提法有所不同。后者是从“现代科学和现代道德观念”的角度提出问题的,照他们说来,似乎这类改革的不能实现,没有什么深刻的、潜藏在生产关系本身中的原因,而只是由于情感粗暴方面的阻碍,如“理智的光芒”微弱等等,似乎俄国是一块白板,现在只是需要在上面正确地规划正确的道路而己。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:429

1. The Marxists must raise these problems differently than Messrs. the Narodniks do. The latter pose the problem from the viewpoint of “modern science, modern moral ideas”; the matter is presented as though there are no profound causes of the failure to implement such reforms, causes contained within production relations themselves, as though the obstacle lies only in grossness of feelings, in the feeble “ray of reason,” etc.; as though Russia is a tabula rasa on which nothing has to be done except properly outline the right paths. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 505.

2. 拉克劳和墨菲已经作出了错误的道德选择,因而必定会遭到马克思主义者的尖锐批判。除了被指责为非马克思主义者外,他们也被称为反唯物主义者和非历史主义者,被指责把自己的当务之急往后溯入到思想史之中,比准备进入当下好不到哪里去。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:63

2. Laclau and Mouffe have made the wrong moral choice, and must expect harsh treatment at the hands of the Marxist establishment in consequence. As well as being non-Marxist, they are to be dubbed anti-materialist and non-historical too; guilty of back-dating their own preoccupations onto intellectual history, and treating it as little better than a preparation for their arrival onto the scene. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 40-41.

3. 我认为,我们不能像目的论者那样设定在任何一个时段出场的青年马克思都正在实现为马克思主义者,正在走向历史唯物主义。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:131

3. I argue that we must not be like the teleologists and assume that young Marx at any particular point in time was becoming a Marxist and moving towards historical materialism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 91.


例句 1:
As one of its founders—G.A.Cohen had acknowledged, the academic achievements of analytical Marxists more or less involved three questions: What kind of socialism do we pursue? Why do we want it or where is the fault of capitalism? How can we realize socialism?

例句 2:
As a far-reaching strategic project, Young Marxists Training Project requires to train the overall awareness and concept, standardized awareness, self-awareness as well as creative awareness of young backbone, to help young people to use the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method to analyze and solve problems and to transform the subjective world and objective world so as to adopt a scientific world outlook and methodology.

例句 3:
The Russian Marxists who were led by Lenin and Stalin combining of Russian revolution and its practice enriched and developed the understanding of the unification of logic and history on t





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