

字词 公共工程


public works


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1979: 195.


政府资助或政府直接从事的各种建筑项目或者开发项目。包括政府所从事的公路建设、水利建设、住房建设等工程,或政府资助的地区性开发计划,及其他工程。政府从事公关工程的目的,一方面在于兴建经济发展必不可少而私人又不愿意进行或无力进行的基础设施,另一方面在于通过公共工程投资刺激总需求,以实现充分就业。增加公共工程支出作为扩张性财政政策的一种手段,对经济发展起到了重要作用。30 年代美国和其他国家都通过公共工程而摆脱了严重的经济衰退。第二次世界大战以后,西方各国政府公共工程的支出一直是增加的,但公共工程的增加也会引起财政赤字严重等问题。(刘伟,1994:81)




1. 于是银行就免除了公布每周结算的义务,它和政府订立了极占便宜的契约。人民应该有工作。于是就举办公共工程。但是公共工程增加人民的税负。因此必须使食利者的收入由五厘利息改为四厘半利息,以此来减低税额。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:225

1. Release of the Bank from the obligation to publish its report weekly. Leonine agreement of the Bank with the government. The people are to be given employment. Initiation of public works. But the public works increase the obligations of the people in respect of taxes. Hence reduction of the taxes by an onslaught on the rentiers, by conversion of the five per cent bonds to four-and-a-half per cent. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 195.

2. 他想窃取整个法国,以便将它再赠给法国,或者说得更确切些,以便能够用法国钱再来购买法国,因为他作为十二月十日会的头目,就不得不收买应归他所有的东西。于是所有一切国家机关、参议院、国务会议、立法团、荣誉军团勋章、士兵奖章、洗衣房、公共工程、铁路、没有士兵的国民自卫军参谋部以及被没收的奥尔良王室财产,都成了买卖对象。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:226

2. He would like to steal the whole of France in order to be able to make a present of her to France or, rather, in order to be able to buy France anew with French money, for as the chief of the Society of December 10 he must needs buy what ought to belong to him. And all the state institutions, the Senate, the Council of State, the legislative body, the Legion of Honour, the soldiers’ medals, the wash-houses, the public works, the railways, the état-major of the National Guard excluding privates, and the confiscated estates of the House of Orleans—all become parts of the institution of purchase. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 195-196.

3. 旧的专制的法律已经不够用了!不是由公共工程大臣,也不是由财政大臣,而是由陆军大臣负责消灭劳动阶级的贫困!首先是弹压的法律,然后是霰弹和刺刀,——实在“没有其他更有效的办法”了!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:183

3. The old despotic legislation does not suffice! The abolition of the poverty of the working class is not the province of the Minister of Public Works or the Minister of Finance but of the Minister of War! First repressive laws, to be followed by grape-shot and bayonets—indeed, “there is no more effective means”! -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 171.


例句 1:
Considering international experience, domestic practices, the functions of government procurement and maintaining public interests, it’s necessary and practicable to add public works to the field of government procurement.

例句 2:
Agent-construction System of Public Works (“Agent-construction System”) is an important system innovation during the reform of investment structure in China.

例句 3:





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