

字词 资本主义的与非资本主义的生产


capitalistic and acapitalistic production




 资本主义的生产需要对自然资源使用辅助的劳动。而非资本主义的生产需要对自然资源使用独立从事的劳动。另一方面,按照奥地利学派(庞巴维克Böhm -Bawerk)的定义,资本是运用间接生产方式在劳务转化为最终商品过程中出现的一组中间商品(或“正在成熟中的消费品”)。这一观念强调函数的相互关系,因而资本是实现先进生产活动的方式。非资本主义的生产是通过对自然资源使用单纯的人力劳动直接生产消费品。最后,威克赛尔(Wicksell)在理论上作了妥协,他认为资本是劳动和土地的服务被消耗后的存量。没有资本的生产是在不存在资本品,或者在资本品相对于当时的技术来说还处在免费品的状态下,利用劳动和自然资源进行的生产。这一定义明显忽略了一种事实,即资本品本身就是技术进步的副产品,这种看法是庞巴维克思想的内涵,也是熊彼特(Schumpeter)暗示过的。




1. 我注意到,麦克库洛赫在批评重农主义认为农业是财富的唯一源泉时,明确说明他们“完全误解了生产的性质,实质上,他们是假定了财富即物质”。这是深刻的分析。为此,他还专门指认,“只有把劳动加于适当的物质上,使它们适合于我们使用,物质才能得到交换价值,从而变成财富。人类的劳动并不是通过增加我们地球上的物质而产生财富的”,所以,工业与商业都是生产财富的。对于这一点,麦克库洛赫的判断并没有错。以马克思后来的科学表述,重农主义“把关于剩余价值起源的研究从流通转到了直接生产领域,这就为分析资本主义生产奠定了基础”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:46-47

1. In my research I have noticed that when McCulloch criticizes the physiocrats for believing that agriculture is the only source of wealth, he clearly explains that they completely misunderstood the nature of production. He states that this misunderstanding is especially clear in their assumption that wealth is matter. This is a profound analysis. In Principles of Political Economy, McCulloch further points out that ““the labor required to appropriate matter, and to fit and prepare it for our use, is the only means by which it acquires value, and becomes wealth.” Therefore, he believes industry and commerce are additional means by which wealth can be produced. On this point, McCulloch’s judgement is absolutely correct. To cite Marx’s later scientific exposition, physiocracy “transferred the inquiry into the origin of surplus-value from the sphere of circulation into the sphere of direct production, and thereby laid the foundation for the analysis of capitalist production.”-Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 20.

2. 具体论及斯密,他是这样做的: 按照联系在竞争现象中表面所表现的那个样子,也就是按照它在非科学的观察者眼中,同样在那些被实际卷入研究资产阶级生产过程并同这一过程有实际利害关系的人们眼中所表现的那个样子,把联系提出来。用后来马克思对斯密的评价来说,那就是斯密始终“用资本主义生产当事人的眼光来看待事物,完全按照这种当事人所看到和所设想的样子,按照事物决定这种当事人的实践活动的情况,按照事物实际上呈现出来的样子,来描绘事物”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:55

2. In his specific discussion of Smith, Marx wrote, He sets forth the connection as it appears in the phenomena of competition and thus as it presents itself to the unscientific observer, just as to him who is actually involved and interested in the process of bourgeois production. In Marx’s Theories of Surplus Value, he writes that Smith consistently “expresses the thoughts of the agent of capitalist production and presents things boldly and comprehensively, as they appear to and are thought of by the latter, as they influence him in practice, and as, indeed, they appear on the surface. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 27-28.

3. 马克思在摆脱人本主义逻辑之后,总是倾向于从实证科学出发进行思考,所以在对历史唯物主义的一般哲学认证之后,他始终期望新哲学的本质“不是解释世界,而是要改造世界”,批判性依然是他的主要理论旨归。但离开了人本主义价值批判的逻辑本质倒置(劳动异化史观)之后,他必然在经济学语境中重新回归到他于《1844年手稿》的第一笔记本中所否定的思路上来:恩格斯那种从经济学逻辑本身出发的客观描述(《1844年手稿》第一笔记本的话语2)。于是,他不再从哲学角度着眼于人的某种类本质的丧失与复归、人性与非人性的逻辑矛盾,而是回落到现实的社会经济生活特别是具体物质生产所生发出来的客观对立与矛盾之中。这条全新的科学现实批判线索,与他原来那种人本主义的抽象价值批判在出发点和总体逻辑上是根本不同的。在这个意义上,福柯有一段分析很精辟:“马克思强调说:根据资本主义生产的条件,根据它的根本法则,它必然要产生不幸。资本主义存在的目的并不是要让工人挨俄,但是,如果不让工人挨俄,它就不能发展。马克思用对生产的分析来代替对掠夺的谴责。”对生产的客观分析中体现出来的现实批判与从价值观上对掠夺的道德谴责是完全不同的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:434

3. After divorcing himself from the logic of humanism, Marx tended to base his thought on empirical science. Thus after conducting a general philosophical proof of historical materialism, he hoped that the essence of his new philosophy would not simply describe the world, but truly change the world. Criticism was always his primary theoretical objective. However, moving away from the logical essential inversion (the humanist alienation conception of history) of the humanist value critique, he returned, in the context of economics, to the line of thought that he refuted in the first notebook of the 1844 Manuscript: Engels’ objective description that proceeded from economic logic itself (this was the second discourse in the first notebook of the 1844 Manuscript). Therefore Marx no longer focused on the loss and return of man’s species-essence or the logical contradiction of humanity and inhumanity from a philosophical perspective, but rather returned to the objective opposition and contradictions brought on by actual social economic life, especially concrete material production. This new scientific critique of reality is fundamentally different from his humanist abstract value critique, both in terms of starting point as well as overall logic. On this point Michel Foucault provides keen analysis. He writes that Marx emphasizes the fact that the conditions and basic principles of capitalist production lead to unhappiness. The purpose of capitalism is not to allow workers to go hungry; but if it does not allow workers to go hungry, it cannot develop. Marx uses analysis of production to replace his condemnation of exploitation. The critique of reality revealed through the objective analysis of production is completely different from the moral condemnation of exploitation based on values. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 337-338.


例句 1:
The production by human beings is both the starting point and the destination of Marx's production category. In the capitalist production system, the realization of the production of human beings derives from the material production.

例句 2:
The results show, capitalist political economy nature, class nature and legal nature, science nature and essence of social history one by one are exposed in broad daylight.

例句 3:
Based on a comprehensive understanding of the illustration of anarchic production of capitalism, this paper gives a thorough analysis on the post-war changes and puts forward the view that the existence of the anarchic production is impossible to remain for a long time.





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