

字词 资本主义地租


capitalist ground rent; capitalist rent; capitalist form of rent


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 768.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 789.
[3] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 297.




[1] 刘炳瑛.马克思主义原理辞典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1988.
[2] 卢之超.马克思主义大辞典[Z].中国和平出版社.1993.
[3] 资本主义地租.via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/Capitalist_Rent
[4] 资本主义地租.via:


1. 分成制可以看成是由地租的原始形式到资本主义地租的过渡形式,在这种形式下,经营者(租地农民)除了提供劳动(自己的或别人的劳动),还提供经营资本的一部分,土地所有者除了提供土地,还提供经营资本的另一部分(例如牲畜),产品则按一定的、各国不同的比例,在租地人和土地所有者之间进行分配。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷)下》,1974:905

1. As a transitory form from the original form of rent to capitalist rent, we may consider the metayer system, or share-cropping, under which the manager (farmer) furnishes labour (his own or another's), and also a portion of working capital, and the landlord furnishes, aside from land, another portion of working capital (e.g., cattle), and the product is divided between sharecropper and landlord in definite proportions which vary from country to country. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 789.

2. 这是因为,肯定国有化具有这种作用的观点,是从承认两种地租出发的:一种是资本主义地租,即在资本主义制度下即使是在国有化土地上也废除不了的地租(级差地租);另一种是非资本主义地租,即由资本主义不需要的并且妨碍资本主义充分发展的垄断所造成的地租(绝对地租)。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:261

2. For such a view of nationalisation follows from the recognition of two forms of rent: the capitalist form, i.e., the form which cannot be eliminated under capitalism even on nationalised land (differential rent), and the non-capitalist form connected with monopoly, a form which capitalism does not need and which hinders the full development of capitalism (absolute rent). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 297.

3. 土地国有化的理论概念就是这样同地租理论不可分割地联系在一起的,这里说的地租是指资本主义社会里特种阶级(土地占有者阶级)的特种收入——资本主义地租。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:261

3. Thus, the theoretical concept of nationalisation is inseparably bound up with the theory of rent, i.e., capitalist rent, as the special form of income of a special class (the landowning class) in capitalist society. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 297.


例句 1:
Karl MARX’s landtax theory was founded on the basis of the criticism and inheritance of David RICARDO’s landtax theory which is based on labor theory of value and was spoken highly of by MARX who, meanwhile, analyzed and criticized numerous errors of the starting point of RICARDO’s landtax theory, cost price and value, the defect(s) of the definition of landtax, property in land as a premise and the relationship between soil fertility and land tax in his Economic Manuscripts of 1861-1863. MARX pointed out that these errors of RICARDO’s landtax theory originated from his ahistorical and even supra-historical understanding of the relations of production and thus illuminated scientifically that the essence of land tax is actually the capitalist social relations of production, comprehended land tax in the process of social reproduction in reality scientifically and established an excellent and
Perfect landtax theory which reflected from such a scientific methodology.

例句 2:





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