

字词 资本周转


circulation of capital; turnover of capital; capital transfer; capital turnover


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 79.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 04) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 63.
[3] capital turnover . via: http://financial-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/capital+turnover




[1] 卡尔·马克思.资本论(第二卷)[M].人民出版社,2004.
[2] 资本周转.via:http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e8%b5%84%e6%9c%ac%e5%91%a8%e8%bd%ac&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*


1. 小资产者的营业规模不大,资本周转缓慢,顾客人数不多面也不广,因此糟糕的普鲁士旧商法并没有使他们吃大苦头,他们甚至还很感谢它给予他们的那一点点保障;可是对资产者说来这种商法就是无法忍受的了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:64

1. If the petty bourgeois, with his small scale of business, his slow turnover and his limited number of customers concentrated in a small area, has not found the miserable old Prussian legislation on trade too oppressive but has even been grateful for the bit of protection it provided, the bourgeois cannot bear it any longer. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 89.

2. 资产者代表世界贸易、全世界范围内商品的直接交换、银钱业、以机器劳动为基础的大工厂工业——这些经济部门需要尽可能大的地盘、最大数额的资本和最快的资本周转率,它们所引起的竞争是普遍的、剧烈的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:51-52

2. The bourgeoisie represents world trade, the direct exchange of products of all regions, trade in money, large factory industry based on the use of machinery—branches of production which demand the greatest possible area, the greatest possible capital and the quickest possible turnover, and give rise to universal and stormy competition. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 79.

3. 最后,在对布尔加柯夫先生那本书作更详细的分析时,我们应当指出下面这一点:他的书大约有三分之一的篇幅论述“不同的资本周转”和“工资基金”的问题。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:49

3. In conclusion, examining Mr. Bulgakov’s book in greater detail, we must note the following. About a third of the book is devoted to questions of the “differences in the turnover of capital” and of the “wages fund.” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 63.


例句 1:
The basic content of Max’s theory about capital turnover is mainly seen in the second part of Capital Volume Ⅱ. Max deliberately analyzed the usual production and operation activities of enterprises through the view of capital turnover.

例句 2:
Capital transfer theory is a very important theory that Max Engels discusses in Capital, accelerating capital handing speed is any law enterprise profit- push must need to abide by as maximizing.

例句 3:
The fundamental reason for value to be transformed into prices of production is the capital’s equal for the pursuing of profits. The pre-requisite are the difference of capital formation, difference in the velocity of asset turnover in different sectors and the difference in the rates of profit resulting from these differences.





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