

字词 资本主义机器大工业


capitalist large-scale mechanized industry


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1985: 212, 218, 300.


机器大工业一般指以机器代替手工工具,以机械化劳动代替手工劳动的资本主义工业。机器大工业阶段,是资本主义生产力发展的第三个历史阶段,马克思认为机器大工业阶段是榨取相对剩余价值的阶段,这一阶段充分表现了资本主义生产关系与生产力的矛盾、无产阶级与资产阶级的矛盾进一步发展和激化。从18世纪最后30年起,西欧各主要资本主义国家先后通过产业革命,从工场手工业逐渐过渡到机器大工业。机器和大工业是资本主义生产方式的物质技术基础,是资本主义生产方式进入成熟阶段的标志。正是因为机器生产代替了手工生产,所以资本主义比过去的社会创造了空前未有的高度生产力。使用机器减少了生产单位产品所消耗的物化劳动和人力劳动,也减少不变资本和可变资本的支出,从而降低了商品的价值。但另一方面,资本主义使用机器,并没有为工人减轻负担,而是通过节省商品的个别劳动时间来剥夺更多的超额剩余价值。机器的使用为资本家带来更多利益的同时,也使得工人遭受了更严重的剥削。随着机器大工业的发展,资本主义生产力增强,使工人阶级所受的压迫与剥削日益深重,迫使工人阶级不得不为自身的利益而展开一系列面对资产阶级的斗争。(机器大工业.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%9C%BA%E5%99%A8%E5%A4%A7%E5%B7%A5%E4%B8%9A)




1. 对于这一点马克思又作了详细的说明,他考察和研究了三个可以实现这种改进的主要方法:(一)协作,或山于许多人同时有计划地合作而产生的力量的增强;(二)分工,即在真正的工场手工业时期(大约在1770年以前)发展起来的那种分工,最后,(三)机器,大工业借助于机器从那时起就发展起来。这些研究也很有意义,并且显示出对于所研究的问题的惊人知识,一直到工艺学上的细节......——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:239

1. On this point Marx gives again a detailed illustration, examining and describing the three main levers by which these improvements are brought about: 1. co-operation, or the multiplication of the forces which results from the simultaneous and planned working together of many individuals; 2. the division of labour as it was developed in the period of manufacture properly so-called, i.e, up to about 1770; and, lastly, 3. machinery with the aid of which large-scale industry has developed since then. These descriptions are. also of great interest, and reveal amazing expert knowledge, up to technical details... -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 212.

2. 例如,在这本著作出现以后,已不可能把奴隶劳动、农奴劳动和自由的雇佣劳动在经济上等量齐观了;不可能把对于以自由竞争为特征的现代大工业有效的规律,直截了当地搬到古代的关系或中世纪的行会上去,或者当这些现代的规律不适合于先前的关系时,简单地宣布后者为异端。所有一切民族中,德国人是最具有(而且也许差小多是唯一具有)历史观念的,因此正又是德国人在政治经济学领域中也发现了历史的联系,这是完全介乎情理的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:245

2. After this work it will no longer be possible to treat slave labour, serf labour and free wage labour, for example, as economically alike, or to apply laws which are valid for modern large-scale industry, conditioned by free competition, without further ado to the conditions of antiquity or the guilds of the Middle Ages, or, when these modern laws do not fit ancient conditions, simply to declare the ancient conditions as heretical. The Germans of all nations have the greatest, nay, even a unique historical sense, and thus it is quite natural that it is again a German who traces the historical connections also in the sphere of political economy. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 218.

3. 这里存在着本质的区别。在工场手工业中,每一个局部过程必需适应工人;而在大工业中,已经没有这种必要了:劳动过程能够客观地分解为各个组成部分,如何完成每一局部过程是由科学或是由基于科学的实际经验借助机器来解决的。在这里,各组工人之间的数量上的比例是作为各组机器之间的比例而重现出来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:316

3. In manufacture every detail process had to be adapted to the labourer; this is no longer necessary--the labour process can be objectively dissected .into its component parts, which are then left to science, or to experience based upon it, to be mastered by machines. Here the quantitative ratio of the several groups of workers is repeated as the ratio of the several groups of machines. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 300.


例句 1:
The capitalist large-scale mechanized industry has replaced the workers with machines and thus creatinga dependency on the machines instead of the workers. As a result, this has produced labor alienation.

例句 2:
His masterpiecePhilosophy of manufactures started the study of the capitalism machine industry. Hebuilt a brand-new world view from a ontology perspective, which laid the solidfoundation for manufacture and the study of objective rule of the whole world.

例句 2:
At the time of capitalism machinery-industry, the criterion of exchanging commodity changed, so thevalue source differed from before. The value is defined by the standardexpense of production elements.





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