

字词 资本主义生产方式


capitalist mode of production


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 439.


资本主义生产方式是指资本剥削雇佣劳动的生产方式。一般指以生产资料的资本主义私有制为基础的、建立在机器大工业技术基础上的资本剥削雇佣劳动的生产方式。它是一种社会化大生产的生产方式,对社会生产力的发展起过巨大推动作用,但由于生产力的社会化与资本主义生产占有形式的深刻矛盾不可能得到解决,因而资本主义生产方式是一种过渡性的生产方式。资本主义生产方式是资产阶级私有资本与工人无产阶级雇佣劳动的根本对立,资本主义生产方式的基本矛盾是生产资料的私人占有制与生产社会化的矛盾。资本主义的剩余价值规律与基本矛盾决定资本主义的必然危机。决定资本主义生产方式不可能实现人类工业社会化大生产与人类商品经济高度历史的发展,决定社会主义商品生产方式客观历史的必然性。(资本主义生产方式. via:


资本主义生产方式. via:


1. 在分析了交换价值与货币的历史和逻辑关系之后,马克思的历史现象学更深一层的理论努力就是对资本的批判,即进一步说明作为一种特殊的金钱即能够生产货币的货币——资本不是物,不是物的天然属性,而是一种真正反映资本主义生产方式本质的特定的历史关系,一种被更怪异地遮蔽起来的社会关系。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:583

1. After having analyzed the historical and logical relation between exchange value and money, Marx’s historical phenomenology delves deeper, embarking on the critique of capital. Marx explained how, as a particular kind of money, as money that can produce money, capital was not material; it was not the natural attributes of material, but was rather a particular historical relation that truly reflected the essence of capitalist modes of production. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 439.

2. 第三个时期,马克思面对资本主义大工业所实现的生产方式,在完成政治经济学科学理论建构的同时,实现了以人类社会历史发展的生产力最高水平为尺度的对人类社会及其个体的现实存在的哲学确证与批判,即狭义历史唯物主义之上的历史现象学批判,这是一种历史的、现实的和具体的社会历史深层描述。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:23

2. In the third time period, while Marx was being forced to confront the modes of production brought about by capitalism’s large-scale industry and still completing the theoretical formulation of the science of political economy, he conducted a philosophical identification and criticism of human society and the existence of its individual reality, using the highest level of the productive forces of humankind’s social-historical development as a measure.This was a historical phenomenological criticism, established on the basis of the special theory of historical materialism; this was a historical, real, and concrete social philosophical description. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxxviii.

3. 但是,决不能因为资本把每一个这样的界限都当作限制,因而在观念上超越它,所以就得出结论说,资本已在实际上克服了它,并且,因为每一个这样的限制都是同资本的使命相矛盾的,所以资本主义生产是在矛盾中运动的,这些矛盾不断地被克服,但又不断地产生出来。不仅如此,资本不可遏止地追求的普遍性,在资本本身的性质上遇到了界限,这些界限在资本发展到一定阶段时,会使人们认识到资本本身就是这种趋势的最大限制,因而驱使人们利用资本本身来消灭资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:393

3. But from the fact that capital posits every such limit as a barrier which it has ideally already overcome, it does not at all follow that capital has really overcome it; and since every such limit contradicts the determination of capital, its production is subject to contradictions which are constantly overcome but just as constantly posited. Moreover, the universality for which capital ceaselessly strives, comes up against barriers in capital's own nature, barriers which at a certain stage of its development will allow it to be recognised as being itself the greatest barrier in the way of this tendency, and will therefore drive towards its transcendence through itself. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 337.


例句 1:
Marx wrote in “Preface to the First Uerman Edition of Das Kapital” that in this work I have to study thecapitalist mode of production, and the conditions of production and exchange corresponding to that mode.

例句 2:
Inthischapter, thefirsttwopartselaboratedtherelationshipbetweenthecapitalistmodeofproduction, capitalistdualcontradictionandecologicalcrisis.

例句 3:
From a methodological point of view, to define the general connotation of thecapitalist mode of production just from the first volume of “Capital” is wrong.





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