

字词 资本技术构成


technical composition of capital


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998:145.


资本技术构成反映生产技术水平的高低,反映社会劳动生产率的水平。主要表现为,一个工人在一定时间内,以同样的劳动强度所运用的生产资料量的多少。劳动生产率高,工人所运用的生产资料量就多;劳动生产率低,所运用的生产资料量就少。资本技术构成可用一系列指标来表示,按每个工人计算的电力 (千瓦/小时)、发动机功率 (马力)、工人所加工的原料数量 (公斤、吨) 等等。资本技术构成的变化会引起资本价值构成的变化,推动资本积累、资本积聚和集中,因此成为资本家追逐剩余价值的重要手段(罗肇鸿等,1995:241)。


[1] 资本技术构成.via:
[2] 罗肇鸿,王怀宁.资本主义大辞典[Z].人民出版社1995.


1. 我们把由资本技术构成决定并且反映这种技术构成的资本价值构成,叫作资本的有机构成。这样,就可变资本来说,我们假定它是一定量的劳动力或一定数目的工人或一定量被推动的活劳动的指数。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷上):资本论》,1974:163

1. The value composition of capital, inasmuch as it is determined by, and reflects, its technical composition, is called the organic composition of capital. In the case of variable capital, therefore, we assume that it is the index of a definite quantity of labour power, or of a definite number of labourers, or a definite quantity of living labour set in motion. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 145.

2. 因为m’v=m,即剩余价值量,又因为m和v都保持不变,所以m不会因C的变化而受到影响;剩余价值量在变化以后,和在变化以前一样。假定c减为零,p就会=m,利润率就会等于剩余价值率。c的变化,可能由不变资本的物质要素的单纯价值变化引起,也可能由总资本技术构成的变化,即由该生产部门劳动生产率的变化引起。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷上):资本论》,1974:71.

2. Since s'v = s, the quantity of surplus value, and since both s' and v remain constant, it follows that s, too, is not affected by any variation of C. The amount of surplus value is the same after the change as it was before it. If c were to fall to zero, p' would = s', i.e., the rate of profit would equal the rate of surplus value. The alteration of c may be due either to a mere change in the value of the material elements of constant capital, or to a change in the technical composition of the total capital, that is, a change in the productivity of labour in the given branch of industry. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 64.

3. 为了推动同量劳动(按照假定,这是对同量原料进行加工所必要的),在一种情况下比在另一种情况下,必须预付较大的资本,因为,比如说,必须从资本100中支付的原料,在一种情况下要花费40,在另一种情况下要花费20,那末,我用资本100就不能推动同样多的劳动。但是,只要较贵的原料的价格下降到较贱的原料的价格,这些资本的技术构成是相等的事实,就会立即表现出来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下):资本论》,1974:863

3. For the same quantity of labour to be set in motion (and this would be required, according to our assumption, to work up the same mass of raw materials), a larger capital would have to be advanced in the one case than in the other, since the same amount of labour cannot be set in motion with, say, a capital of 100 if the cost of raw material, which must be covered out of the 100, is 40 in one case and 20 in another. But it would become immediately evident that these two capitals are of the same technical composition, as soon as the price of the dearer raw material fell to the level of the cheaper one. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 753.


例句 1:

例句 2:
Marx's theory of organic composition of capital analyzed different technology between sectors,but did not analyze the characteristics of different type of technology within the department. According to different types of technology within the department,technical composition of capital can be divided into low-carbon technical composition and high-carbon technical composition.Theoretical model and empirical analysis show that type of technology and industrial structure are the important factors of carbon emissions.

例句 3:
The value of the article lies chiefly in: (1) presents a perfect contemperaty explanation to the principle of Marx’s technical composition of capital; (2) proposes a viewpoint from a new perspective which is different from Engle’s assumption on peaceful revol





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