字词 | 布尔加柯夫(谢尔盖·尼古拉耶维奇·布尔加柯夫) |
释义 | 布尔加柯夫(谢尔盖·尼古拉耶维奇·布尔加柯夫)【英】Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:735. 定义谢·尼·布尔加柯夫(1871-1944),俄国经济学家、哲学家、神学家。布尔加柯夫于1906—1918年任莫斯科大学政治经济学教授,19世纪90年代是“合法马克思主义者”,后来成了“马克思的批评家”。他利用大学讲坛来宣传宗教唯心主义,反对马克思主义和社会主义。布尔加柯夫修正马克思关于土地问题的学说,企图证明小农经济稳固并优于资本主义大经济,用土地肥力递减规律来解释人民群众的贫困化。1900年,在他的博士论文《资本主义和农业》里,彻底清算了马克思主义,使自己的“批判”发展达到了它的逻辑终点。20世纪初,布尔加柯夫转向宗教神秘主义,为《路标》文集撰稿,成为路标派的代表人物。他的主要著作有《论资本主义生产条件下的市场》(1897)、《从马克思主义到唯心主义》(1903)、《知识分子与宗教》(1908)、《经济哲学》(1912)等(冯契等,2000:155)。 定义来源冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000. 例句1. 不久以前出版的马斯洛夫的《俄国农业发展的条件》一书,大部分都是论述地租理论的,而在这个问题上,他所持的观点是极其错误的,只是重复诸如布尔加柯夫先生这样一些资产阶级的所谓马克思的“批评家们”所提出的论据。马克思曾经指出,旧的英国政治经济学把这个问题看得过于简单,不是把它看作一个创造特殊历史条件的过程,而是看作一个创造自然条件的过程,因此就提出论断说:地租是由于较好土地必然转到较坏土地形成的。——《列宁全集(第七卷)》,1986:91 1. A large section of Maslov’s hook, recently published under the title Conditions of the Development of Agriculture in Russia, deals with the theory of rent, and in this question Maslov adheres to an entirely erroneous viewpoint, repeating the arguments of the bourgeois so-called “critics” of Marx, such as Mr. Bulgakov and others. Marx showed that the old English political economy took too simple a view of this question; it was treated not as a process creating special historical conditions, but as one creating natural conditions, and it reasoned therefore: rent is formed owing to the necessity of transition from the better to the poorer plots of land. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1977: 343. 2. 《路标》是俄国立宪民主党政论家的文集,1909年在莫斯科出版,收有尼·亚·别尔嘉耶夫、谢·尼·布尔加柯夫、米·奥·格尔申宗、亚·索·伊兹哥耶夫、波·亚·基斯嘉科夫斯基、彼·伯·司徒卢威和谢·路·弗兰克等人的论述俄国知识分子的文章。在这些文章里,路标派妄图诋毁俄国解放运动的革命民主主义传统,贬低维·格·别林斯基、尼·亚·杜勃罗留波夫、尼·加·车尔尼雪夫斯基、德·伊·皮萨列夫等人的观点和活动。他们诬蔑1905年的革命运动,感谢沙皇政府“用自己的刺刀和牢狱”把资产阶级“从人民的狂暴中”拯救了出来。列宁在《论〈路标〉》一文中对立宪民主党黑帮分子的这一文集作了批判分析和政治评价(见《列宁全集》第2版第19卷)。列宁把《路标》文集的纲领在哲学方面和政论方面同黑帮报纸《莫斯科新闻》的纲领相比拟,称该文集为自由派叛变行为的百科全书,是泼向民主派的一大股反动污水。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:473 2. Vekhi (Landmarks)—a Cadet collection of articles by N. Berdayev, S. Bulgakov, P. Struve, M. Herschensohn and other representatives of the counter-revolutionary liberal bourgeoisie, published in Moscow in 1909. In their articles on the Russian intelligentsia these writers tried to discredit the revolutionary-democratic traditions of the best representatives of the Russian people, including Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, they vilified the revolutionary movement of 1905 and thanked the tsarist government for having, “with its bayonets and jails”, saved the bourgeoisie from “the popular wrath”. The writers called upon the intelligentsia to serve the autocracy. Lenin compared the programme of the Vekhi symposium in point of both philosophy and journalism with that of the Black-Hundred newspaper Moskovskiye Vedomosti, calling the symposium “an encyclopaedia of liberal renegacy”, “nothing but a flood of reactionary mud poured on democracy”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1977: 507. 3. 前天我寄出了《日益扩大的矛盾》的头两篇短文。从《真理报》第234号上,我清楚地看到,这些文章是不适用的。因此,请马上转给《启蒙》杂志;我就要把结尾篇寄给那里。其他没有刊登的文章(答马耶夫斯基,谈伦理,评布尔加柯夫论农民——《俄国思想》杂志上布尔加柯夫的几篇文章,等等)也请寄到那里。——《列宁全集(第四十六卷)》,1990:247 3. The day before yesterday I sent the first two short articles entitled “An Increasing Discrepancy”. From No. 234 of Pravda I see clearly that these articles will not be suitable. Therefore please pass them over without delay to Prosveshcheniye, to which I am sending the final section. Please pass over to them also the other articles which have not been printed (the reply to Mayevsky; on morality; Bulgakov on the peasants—Bulgakov’s articles from Russkya Mysl, etc.). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1973: 86. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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