字词 | 比较 |
释义 | 比较【英】comparison; to compare译文来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:72. 定义比较是人类认识事物的一种基本思维方法,是人们根据一定的需要和标准,把彼此有某种联系的事物加以分析、对比,从而找出它们的内在联系、共同规律和特殊本质的方法。客观事物的相互联系又相互区别是比较的客观基础。比较方法在人类认识史、科学史上占有重要的地位,无论是自然科学还是社会科学,都离不开比较。马克思曾高度评价比较方法,称它为“理解现象的钥匙”。现代科学中许多新学科的开辟,都直接与比较这一方法相联系。比较的形式和方法主要有从质的方面比较、从量的方面比较,还有同类比较,即类比。现代科学发展还产生了异类比较,这实际上是把传统逻辑中以为不可比较的异类,看作同类,突破了建立在传统逻辑基础上的近代实验科学方法,从而进入了辩证思维的领域,把逻辑比较法推广到更加广阔的领域。科学的比较方法不仅要求对事物的不同的过程、领域或不同的阶段进行比较,找出它们在本质上的相同点和相异点,而且要求对事物、过程本身内部矛盾的双方进行比较,以便深入揭露所考察的过程的矛盾。为了正确地进行比较,必须十分注意相互比较的事物或现象之间的可比性。任意把两个或两类事物进行比较不能获得正确而有意义的结果。没有直接的内在的逻辑联系的事物或概念不能进行比较。此外,还应当防止机械类比,避免把事物之间的一些偶然现象作为根据进行比较。比较的方法有其局限性。因此,对于任何比较所得的结果,都不能把它绝对化和凝固化,要防止不顾内容的形式主义比较(金炳华,2003:222)。 定义来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 麦克库洛赫在反驳那些机器生产中工人变成机器零件的观点时,将机器生产中的工人与过去的农民进行了比较。在他得出工人的能力比农民的能力更全面,工人的处境比农民的处境更舒适的结论时,其实他不是在随意地发表一种简单的断言,而是在经过认真分析和比较农民和工人在生产与生活中的具体状况之后才提出这个看法的。从资产阶级的立场来看,麦克库洛赫的观点是客观而科学的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:41-42 1. Another example can be found in McCulloch’s rebuttal of the argument that workers become machine parts in mechanized production. In the rebuttal he compared workers with farmers, concluding that workers had a broader range of abilities than farmers, and that workers enjoyed a more comfortable living standard. These were not arbitrary statements, but rather carefully formulated conclusions based on meticulous analysis and comparison of the actual circumstances of workers and farmers. From a bourgeois perspective, McCulloch’s position was both objective and scientific. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 16. 2. 西斯蒙第的内在逻辑是一种建立在主体伦理原则之上的价值悬设。从这个意义上说,西斯蒙第政治经济学背后的哲学历史观是一种落后的东西,与全部资产阶级政治经济学的社会唯物主义而言,它是政治经济学理论逻辑方法中的隐性唯心史观。这大概是过去我们的经济学家所不能意识到的问题。可是,这一点对我们下面准确地理解1844年时青年马克思的相近思考语境却同样是十分重要的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:88 2. Sismondi’s internal logic is a value postulate established on subjective ethical principles. Because of this, the philosophical perspective of history supporting Sismondi’s study of political economy lagged far behind his that of his contemporaries; in comparison to the social materialism of bourgeois political economy, it was a latent idealist conception of history in terms of the logical methodology of political economy. Though this issue has largely been one of which Chinese economists have not been conscious, Sismondi’s conception of history is critical to our correct understanding of young Marx’s philosophical context in 1844. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 55. 3. 马克思认识到,英国唯物主义是与现代实验科学同步发生的。在创始人培根那里,“科学是实验的科学,科学就在于用理性方法去整理感性材料。归纳、分析、比较、观察和实验是理性方法的主要条件”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:557 3. Marx recognized that English materialism happened at the same time as modern empirical science. For Bacon, the progenitor of these movements, “All science is based on experience, and consists in subjecting the data furnished by the senses to a rational method of investigation. Induction, analysis, comparison, observation, and experiment are the main conditions of the rational method. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 213. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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