

字词 谢里登


Alan Sheridan


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 105.


谢里登(1934—),英国作家、翻译家。毕业于剑桥大学圣凯瑟琳学院,后在巴黎任亨利四世中学及巴黎康多赛中学人英语助教。返回伦敦后从事出版业,后成为一名自由译者。谢里登精通英法两种文字,研究并翻译过让-保罗·萨特,米歇尔·福柯,雅克·拉康,阿兰·罗布-格里耶,罗伯特·宾盖特等人的作品。翻译作品的题材涉及小说,历史,哲学,文学批评,传记,精神分析作品等。他是首位将拉康的作品翻译成英文的译者(Alan Sheridan. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Sheridan)。此外谢里登还完成了传记《安德烈·纪德》,书中对纪德生平的道德、宗教和政治等方面以及同文学关系的处理细致而又巧妙(安德烈·纪德.via:


[1] 安德烈·纪德.via:
[2] Alan Sheridan. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Sheridan


1. 福柯的马克思主义身份或许令人怀疑(他明确地宣称“我从来都不是一个马克思主义者”),并且福柯从来没有我们在利奥塔这样的思想家那里所发现的对马克思主义传统的愤怒。与福柯相比,利奥塔的“马克思主义或野蛮”小组成员身份使他与克思主义传统拥有更大的利害关系,因而对马克思主义的明显失败具有更深的幻灭感。艾伦·谢里登(Alan Sheridan)认为,福柯是法国知识分子中许多并不热心支持马克思主义事业的人的代表。­­—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:163

1. The strength of Foucault’s Marxism is perhaps questionable (he is on record as claiming that ‘I have never been a Marxist’3), and there is never the sense of anger at the Marxist tradition that we find in a thinker like Lyotard, whose membership in Socialisme ou barbarie gave him a larger stake in that tradition than Foucault ever had, thus a greater depth of disenchantment at its perceived failings. Alan Sheridan sees Foucault as representative of a significant section of the French intelligentsia in his lukewarm support for the Marxist cause, suggesting that, in the aftermath of the Second World War. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 105.

2. 谢里登认为,这是福柯的含蓄的后马克思主义姿态,因而注定要引起一个基本上仍然是斯大林主义的法国马克思主义界的愤怒:对于福柯否定马克思的持久意义,一般的马克思主义者回应说这是一种前马克思主义的分析。既然没有马克思主义者能够预见到后马克思主义的前景,因此,说某个人是一个前马克思主义者,不过是说他是一个非马克思主义者而已,并且没有人会否认福柯是一个非马克思主义者。然而,除了马克思主义者,没有人会认为“辩证法”是自然固有的规律,如果在19世纪末尼采揭穿了“辩证法和人类学的混杂承诺”,那么那些在尼采之后试图反思历史的人必定是后马克思主义者。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:164

2. Sheridan reads this as an implicitly post-Marxist gesture on Foucault’s part, and as such calculated to draw the ire of a still largely Stalinist French Marxist community: The stock Marxist response to Foucault’s denial of Marx’s continuing relevance is to brand Foucault’s analysis as pre-Marxist. . . . Since no Marxist can contemplate the prospect of a post-Marxist, to say that someone is pre-Marxist is simply to say that he is non-Marxist – and no one would deny that Foucault was that. Yet nowhere, except in the minds of Marxists, is it inscribed that the ‘dialectic’ is an ineradicable law of nature. If, at the end of the nineteenth century, Nietzsche set light to ‘the intermingled promises of the dialectic and anthropology’, then those who attempt to rethink history after Nietzsche must be post-Marxist. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 105.

3. 谢里登已经指出,我们可以把福柯在《物的秩序》中提出的程序看做是“一种受控试验,故意排除了所谓的‘解释性因素’”,但是在正统的马克思主义者看来只会错上加错,对他们来说寻找“解释性因素”构成了分析的全部内容。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:166

3. Alan Sheridan has suggested that we might regard Foucault’s procedure in The Order of Things as ‘a sort of controlled experiment, in deliberately excluding the so-called “explanatory factors”’, but that would be merely to compound the error in the eyes of the orthodox, for whom the search for ‘explanatory factors’ constitutes the whole point of their analysis. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 106.


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