

字词 殖民地




Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 140.


殖民地是指由宗主国统治,没有政治、经济、军事和外交方面的独立权利,完全受宗主国控制的地区。广义的殖民地还包括虽然拥有行政机关、军队等国家机器,但经济、军事、外交等一方面或多方面被别国控制的半殖民地国家和保护国,以及委任统治地、托管地,以及殖民主义国家在这些地区设置的“海外领地”、“附属地”、“海外省”等。第二次世界大战后,世界上大多数殖民地获得独立,旧的世界殖民体系不复存在。从殖民地的性质上来说,大致可分为拓殖型殖民地、资源掠夺型殖民地和商业殖民地三种主要类型,这三种殖民地是随着资本主义的发展进程而顺次出现的。1853年,马克思在《不列颠在印度统治的未来结果》一文中提出殖民地及殖民主义有“双重使命”,即破坏性使命和建设性使命,两者都是既有积极方面又有消极方面。殖民地的“破坏性使命”主要表现在对殖民地传统社会经济结构的破坏上,但由于宗主国的政治、经济情况不同,各个殖民地的历史情况、殖民对象、自然生态条件和社会集团的不同,因此殖民地所受的影响在质量上有很大的差别。殖民地的“建设性使命”,即积极意义,通常表现在以下方面:宗主国通过向殖民地输出资本、技术,进行建设,为其提供了现代化的港口、道路等基础设施,殖民地的商品经济也得到发展,城市化步伐加快,出现了铁路、公路、电讯、电话、医院、学校,把原本落后的殖民地地区带入了市场经济领域。(殖民地.via: http://baike.sogou.com/h236676.htm?sp=Snext&sp=l45859322)




1. 中国将变为独立国,还是沦为殖民地,不决定于第一阶段大城市之是否丧失,而决定于第二阶段全民族努力的程度。如能坚持抗战,坚持统一战线和坚持持久战,中国将在此阶段获得转弱为强的力量。中国抗战的三幕戏,这是第二幕。由于全体演员的努力,最精彩的结幕便能很好地演出来。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:465

1. Whether China becomes an independent country or is reduced to a colony will be determined not by the retention or loss of the big cities in the first stage but by the extent to which the whole nation exerts itself in the second. If we can persevere in the War of Resistance, in the united front and in the protracted war, China will in that stage gain the power to change from weakness to strength. It will be the second act in the three-act drama of China’s War of Resistance. And through the efforts of the entire cast it will become possible to perform a most brilliant last act. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 140.

2. 没有一个新民主主义的联合统一的国家,没有新民主主义的国家经济的发展,没有私人资本主义经济和合作社经济的发展,没有民族的科学的大众的文化即新民主主义的文化的发展,没有几万万人民的个性的解放和个性的发展,一句话,没有一个由共产党领导的新式的资产阶级性质的彻底的民主革命,要想在殖民地半殖民地半封建社会的废墟上建立起社会主义社会来,那只是完全的空想。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:961

2. It would be a sheer illusion to try to build a socialist society on the ruins of the colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal order without a united new-democratic state, without the development of the state sector of the new-democratic economy, of the private capitalist and the co-operative sectors, and of a national, scientific and mass culture, i.e., a new-democratic culture, and without the liberation and the development of the individuality of hundreds of millions of people—in short, without a thoroughgoing bourgeois-democratic revolution of a new type led by the Communist Party. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 283.

3. 李斯特指出:“英国所谓的自由贸易,是英国有权在全世界自由地销售它自己的制成品及其殖民地的产品”,其真实结果必然是英国人“能够控制弱小国家的贸易与工业,把它们置于受奴役的地位”。 自由贸易如果脱离了一个国家的具体情况,就是虚假的。所以,他认为经济研究必须着眼于具体国家和地区经济发展的特殊性,其本质只能是针对具体国家的研究,它应关注“某一国家,处于世界目前形势以及它自己的特有国际关系下,怎样来维持并改进它的经济状况”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 297

3. List points out: “The so-called English free trade is the right of the English to freely sell its own manufactures and the products of its colonies throughout the entire world.” The actual result is that the English “are able to control the trade and industry of weaker nations, binding them into slavery.” If free trade is separated from the concrete conditions of particular countries, it will only be false. Therefore, List believes that economics must focus on the particular nature of specific countries and regions; its essence can only be the study of specific countries. “[True political economy] teaches how a given nation in the present state of the world and its own special national relations can maintain and improve its economical conditions. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 227.


例句 1:
The western countries ruled colonies depending on not only the military power and administrative system, but also powerful cultural force, which gives the western countries have a strong sense of identity and attractive look in the eyes of the colonies.

例句 2:
From Lenin proposed his “Nationality and Colony Theory” to the Fourth Congress of Comintem , during which Lenin’s theory was revised, the Comintern’s cognition on the category of colony and semi-colony changed from a dichotomy between the advanced and the backward to a trichotomy among the initially developed, the advanced and the backward.

例句 3:
Roman overseas colonies first appeared in the second century BC, when Roman began her expansive conquest into the Mediterranean world.





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