

字词 次要矛盾


secondary contradiction


Althusser, L. For Marx [M]. London: The Penguin Press, 1969: 194.




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[2] 廖盖隆.马克思主义百科要览·上卷[Z].人民日报出版社,1993.
[3] 彭漪涟.逻辑学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2010.
[4] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典·上卷[Z].上海辞书出版社,2007.


1. 在他所下的定义里,我们一下碰到了三个十分值得注目的新概念。第一个概念是关于主要矛盾和次要矛盾的区别;第二个概念是关于矛盾的主要方面和次要方面的区别;最后,第三个概念是关于矛盾的不平衡发展。——《保卫马克思》,1984:165

1. And then we suddenly come upon three very remarkable concepts. Two are concepts of distinction: (1) the distinction between the principal contradiction and the secondary contradictions, (2) the distinction between the principal aspect and the secondary aspect of each contradiction. The third and last concept: (3) the uneven development of contradiction. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 194.

2. 说明白些,这个命题意味着:“次要”矛盾不是“主要”矛盾的单纯现象;所谓主要矛盾是本质,次要矛盾是现象,这实际上并不等于主要矛盾可以没有次要矛盾或缺少某个次要矛盾而存在,不等于主要矛盾可以先于或后于次要矛盾而存在。——《保卫马克思》,1984:177

2. In plain terms this position implies that the 'secondary' contradictions are not the pure phenomena of the 'principal' contradiction, that the principal is not the essence and the secondaries so many of its phenomena, so much so that the principal contradiction might practically exist without the secondary contradictions, or without some of them, or might exist before or after them. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 205.

3. 相反,这个命题意味着,次要矛盾对于主要矛盾的存在十分重要,它确实构成了主要矛盾的存在条件,正如主要矛盾是次要矛盾的存在条件一样。——《保卫马克思》,1984:177

3. On the contrary, it implies that the secondary contradictions are essential even to the existence of the principal contradiction, that they really constitute its condition of existence, just as the principal contradiction constitutes their condition of existence. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 205.


例句 1:
Over a hundred years’ global development shows that the globalization has promoted leaping development of the world economy, and at the same time the law of market economy it follow is accompanied by the secondary contradiction of global crisis.

例句 2:
在迁谪文学中所表现出什么样的主要矛盾、又有哪些次要矛盾,这些矛盾对于迁谪者的心理与迁谪文学的产生起着什么样的制约和制导作用? ——“幽怨起骚人——迁谪文学中的主要矛盾和次要矛盾初探”,载于《忻州师范学院学报》2003年第5期
What are its principle and secondary contradictions? What restricting, controlling and guiding functions do these contradictions have on the emergence of banishment literature as well as on the minds of those banished men?





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